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Fellow COTHer needs our help!

Some of you may have been following along with the never ending health crisis that alittlegray has been dealing with for the past few years. It has taken a tremendous toll on the entire family who has been right by her side the entire time.

Now is our chance to put our money where our keystrokes are and really make a difference in their lives the only way we as strangers can. I have met their whole family in person and assure you the struggle and the love is real. Please give what you can and share it far and wide on your own social media platforms so we can put the magic of COTH jingles to work. I can not thank you enough for helping to add a little sunshine to the eternal darkness they are going through.

If you click on the link you will see another update from Alittlegray that will warm your heart. We might not have raised much cash yet but we raised some spirits.

Shannon posted a Thanksgiving update, click on the link to read it. Thanks again!