sidles in (and yes, I always do a search first I swear!):lol:
Yep, house is on foundation so I am ordering the horse stuff! Much more fun!
So – there is existing fencing of multi-strand hi-tensile but very well built as seller (now awesome neighbour!) worked as fencing contractor. Telephone poles as anchor posts and h-braces all there for the next gazillion years. 10-acre property; 3-three ac. pastures, 1-one ac. pasture.
I will line existing fence with one strand of Horseguard (I have a horse who doesn’t respect wire that much, but neither will go near anything resembling white tape, ha). Any cross fencing will be two strands of HG.
I will be running a DC-powered charger off a deep cycle battery, which I will eventually add a solar trickle charger too. So these are the brands I’m looking at (not buying Zareba, seen them suck) – can you tell me if there is anything I should run from? I think almost all have a 2 year warranty and varying degrees of lightning protection. (Cheaper is always better, but I only want to have to buy one for a while)
HG also says charger must put out at least 2 Joules (I’m doing bipolar) and I’d like to ask them why (mostly just curious and love physics, but is there such a big diff between 2 and 1.8?).
Cyclops – the battery powered “Stallion” near bottom of page, I read their construction description and sounds pretty heavy duty, built in US. (for the science geeks, check out those capacitors!)