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Fencing our yard - aluminum?

I understand wanting to have an enclosure for a puppy! My problem with temporary solutions is at my house they tend to become the permanent ones.

Temporary will make life easier until the permanent structure is installed … YES ! do it please for your sanity and so the puppy can run … will make all the difference in the world - IMHO !
especially in the hot weather… the rain… the nice weather and at night !!! YES !

What about an aerial cable run temporarily?

I would do it.

Ran into this fence while I was looking into alternatives with the delay we are looking at for installation - what do y’all think about this? I’ve never heard of it but they offer a lot of assurances on their site that it should be decent?


We raised ours from 8 weeks without a fenced yard. It’s not impossible. Get a 30’ long line and start working on a good recall.


Oh, I know it’s possible. I adopted my first lab when he was close to 2 and I lived in an apartment in a large city, so I didn’t even have a yard at all. We walked and ran A LOT. That’s also why I know I don’t want to do this for too long :laughing:

Wow, that fence looks amazing. Great job!

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