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Fencing pricing

What say you, knowledgeable people: just got a quote of $18 per foot for 3 board fence, posts every 8 feet, no facer board. I believe that is 50% higher than what I was paying just prior to pandemic, but I have not checked to be sure. Fence guy says lumber is sky high right now? We are in a booming area for construction, FWIW

It is probably best to get another price from someone who is doing fencing your area, to compare apples to apples.

I do not find the price of $18/ft of 3 board fencing to be way out of line.

What materials are they using?

I can say that a recent trip to the big box home improvement store left me with a serious case of sticker shock when I wanted to pick up a few pieces of lumber to make some repairs on something.


How are they doing your posts? Pounded, auger, or auger+concrete?

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About had a heart attack when I saw the quote for a bit of fencing we did earlier this year. Almost triple 2009 when we refenced the whole place. Always worth getting another quote. I called a quality fencing supplier that most of the fencing guys use and priced materials. Quote minus materials = labor and I decided the quote was not unreasonable.

I buy and sell lumber every day. The sawmills are at or below their break-even price. Some are already curtailing because they are losing money. Retail sales are slow so many stores are trying to move out their high-priced inventory they bought months ago. Shop around.

Another way to get a quote is to ask for 14’ lumber. 14’ is much cheaper, 7’ centers make a stronger fence. You will have to put in a few more posts, but you will find the total cost is less.


Yep. It’s gone way up.

Although I dunno about the cost of lumber being the driver. I put in a bunch of fence in 2020, and while it was professionally installed, I bought all the materials.

4x6x8 foot post in 2020: 15.50
4x6x8 foot post in 2024: 17.53

Rough cut oak 1x6x16 foot board in 2020: 15.50
Rough cut oak 1x6x16 foot board in 2024: 15.50

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