Fibro Riders/Horse Owners/Etc: Would you be interested in?

I’m thinking of making a forum/blog for equestrians with fibromyalgia.

It’d be a place to chat with other fibro riders, share ideas on pain relief, tell stories, yada yada.

I’m sure I can find people from other forums to join too.

If you guys are interested, I will get one set up!




I’d be interested.



LaLuna, yes, please! I believe it would be a greatly beneficial resource. Thank you for offering your time to put this together! :smiley:

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Please let me know when it is available. :smiley:

I will be the dissenting opinion. I wouldn’t be a likely visitor and if I were to visit, it would be as the random lurker. I find that spending too much time focusing on Fibro just makes it worse.

I am in the middle of a pretty severe flare up and the worse thing I can do for me is to focus on how much it sucks. And sites like what you describe seem to make people talk about the pain and the fatigue and, and and… Much like any site related to a disease.

I agree with sarapony… But think if its helpful for anyone else that is great. I just find it best to not dwell on it, at all.

I would love it. I’d love to hear about how other riders deal with all the weird symptoms fibro causes and I’d love to be able to share any little things I’ve found that might help others.