Fibromyalgia and Raynauds - Boot trouble

I’m just starting up riding again after two years of getting symptoms under control and being able to steadily work. I’m super excited, especially as my trainer has offered me rides outside of lessons (It’s a major boost when your trainer tells you that “you know how to ride, you just need to rebuild your muscles.”

Unfortunately, I put my boots on after all that time away (Treadstep Donatello) and found that I will probably need new ones. I managed to get the zippers up with string and the leather is slowly stretching/flexing (so far no pain in my calves when I wear them). However the foot box is too… short I guess is the word. Basically the top of my foot feels like it wants to burst out of the leather. I could handle it before all this started but now the extra pressure is painful. The sole is just wide enough to not be painful and I can wiggle my toes just fine. Sweaty feet are inevitable with leather boots so I just will have to carry an extra pair of dry socks to switch into to avoid chilled feet.

So any suggestions? I’m not going to be doing any major showing so I’m not worried about that. I need comfortable, and functional. I’ve thought about doing paddock boots and half chaps but the last pair of chaps I had tended to slip (They were cheap so probably got what I paid for).