
Just looking for information so that I can understand Fibromyalgia.

My mom is 58, she was diagnosed with Fibro among other things 5 years ago. She stopped working after the diagnosis and is on disability. She gardens, does crafts and swims sometimes, the rest of the time she is in bed.

She babies herself and does not take care of her body. She is very overweight and takes tons of drugs that leave her confused and struggling to find words sometimes.

I love her dearly but have a hard time with her just laying around year after year. She will go out, but it takes her two hours to curl her hair, plaster on makeup and basically put on a show for the outside world. I am a mother myself, very active and out with my family and horses daily.

I just can’t help her when she doesn’t want to help herself and I feel frustrated. Some people on this forum have fibro, can you please tell me what the pain is like and how you feel emotionally? I’m trying to be a good daughter, but I just don’t know how to support my mom.

You have a PM. :slight_smile:

also, see this thread:

Another PM for you