Fight over euthanizing dog that fatally mauled a person

Should this dog die? A legal battle after mauling death in Suffield (

Anybody know about Urban the “former Olympic level rider”?

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I wonder if she was long listed at some point?

This is pretty bizarre when discussing her ability to handle a dog that’s mauled and killed a person…

“She pointed to her rescued racehorses as an example of her work with aggressive animals, considering them to be truly dangerous.”



Photographs taken of D’Aleo’s legs after the incident “depict massive injuries to Ms. D’Aleo’s lower extremities from multiple deep bites, including to her left leg and ankle, with exposed tissue and muscles, all the way through to her bones.” Officer Selig said that it was “the most severe dog bite” he had ever seen. The injuries were so severe that Selig found it, “extremely difficult to count the number of times Dexter bit.”

Dog should have been shot before it even got to the pound.

“We’re fighting this precisely because we don’t believe this was a vicious mauling, as the town has asserted,” said Annie. “We believe what happened was just an exuberant greeting.”

WTF are these people smoking?


That whole thing is a wild ride. WTF


from that article it says the dog’s owner is the current State Director of the Humane Society.

maybe both need to be euthanized


I don’t even get why there is a debate. If that had been one of mine it would have been done that day


I could only read partway through the article…

From the wording in the article, realizing the need to supervise the dog when a guest came, it seems the aggressiveness of the dog was known.
Which just makes it worse.
A dog mauls and kills a person, as portrayed in this article, I don’t understand how the owners can even fight to keep the dog alive.


I can’t believe I’m agreeing with certain people, but that dog needs to be dead.


The excuses are disgusting - and for shame. :rage:


Damn, those aggressive ex-racehorses. They sometimes maul people to death, too. :smile:

Sorry - this really was a time and place for Meta AI Image generator.


I do not understand Why there is a Discussion, here an aggressive dog is identified by using the existing law then if the criteria is met euthanized. This dog should have been euthanized five years ago

The dog’s owner, being politically connected, is using that power to control the outcome…those aggressive dog laws are only to be enforced on the common man, not us whose write these laws


The solution to send him to a 13 acre “farm” seems the most dangerous of all. I have to wonder how old this dog is now, having spent 5 years confined to a kennel and having had previous owners. It seems like he’s got a miserable life now, and certainly isn’t getting any friendlier. They should have just done the right thing from the start.


This. The dog should have been euthanized at the start. None of their theories make much sense. It’s fishy right from the start, they need to be there to seat people? Even when they have an aide with them?

And at this point wouldn’t you just agree to euthanize the dog to spare them from a life in a kennel? If you truly loved and cared about the well being of the dog you would be more concerned about their quality of life than this political war.


OMG this is AMAZING.

Yes. Send him to the farm so some reasonable and responsible person can SSS him.


I couldn’t even make it through the whole article. I tried, I really did.

All I kept thinking about is what kind of unbalanced people keep a dog in solitary confinement for years because they want to argue with eyewitnesses that he doesn’t deserve to be euthanized for killing someone?!?

Hypothetically speaking, even if by some off chance the dog is completely innocent (which doesn’t sound likely at all), who would let their dog live like that for all those years just so they can “win” in court???


On one hand, it’s funny, but we have another thread going where people are showing all of the amazing feats by their highly trained OTTBs, and this lady is basically saying there is no difference between ANY OTTB and a dog that has fatally mauled another human being.

Oy to the vey.


It’s not a funny topic, but this cracked me up.


Wow, I’ve heard of wolf teeth, but those …!?!


I’m not saying at all that Urban’s statement is funny. I think it’s shockingly ridiculous both from the dog perspective (“working with ott horses gives me the experience to handle a dog that’s KILLED SOMEONE”) and also from the horse perspective (“ott horses are as dangerous and difficult as a dog that’s KILLED SOMEONE.”)

I think the image is funny. Full stop.


Oh no, I knew what you were saying! It was just such a ridiculous statement on her part, but also borderline offensive (to say nothing of the fact that it perpetuates the “OTTBs are all crazy” stereotype, while defending her actions with a proven, dangerous dog).

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