Not sure how old you are, but I’m willing to bet my 50+ years of experience fixing physical and behavioral issues in horses is greater than yours. Ditto dog experience.
That said, in respect to THIS particular instance, which is what the thread is about, when a human being dies as a result of a dog attack, the dog should be put down then and there. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Right then. No argument. No hoping a better handler can fix the dog. It needs to be killed. We put humans to death for killing other humans. A dog (or any animal) deserves no less.
“So they think that killing it or throwing away when it isn’t perfect is the right solution.” Are you accusing posters here on COTH of this? It’s a seriously flawed accusation. (Trying not to get censored by mods here). No one EVER advocates for “killing it or throwing away” when a dog or horse isn’t perfect. That’s a pretty juvenile take on things. I hope for your sake, that whatever “specific type of management” your dog requires isn’t aggression or viciousness.