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Final Answer: Carport Barn - Now Stall Size?

I have a 12’ aisle in my 24’x36’ home barn, flanked by two 12x12 stalls on one side and 12x12 tack/feed room and workshop/storage alcove on the other, and I think I’d be happy to give up 2’ from the aisle if I could add that to the storage-room side of the barn.

My sister has an 8’ aisle (squeezed two 12x12 stalls, tiny ~8x8 tack room, 8x16 aisle into 20’x24’ portion of an existing building) and it’s enough to provide the necessary access. (Not saying it’s optimal, just saying it can work if necessary.)

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Another vote for a 10’ aisle. I honestly don’t know what I would do with another 2’. My 23-horsepower tractor fits through there with room to spare, even with the drag attached.

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My intention is too have doors that can either slide or swing shut over the gossip doors. Initially I wanted them in case I had some crazy escapee horse, but they will also allow me to keep them away from a horse in the aisle!

Thanks for your feedback

Thank you for sharing!

I was originally going to do a similar set up but was really concerned that I’d be crying for more storage space pretty soon. Glad to know I’m not crazy thinking extra storage room is a priority. Appreciate your thoughts!

Awesome to hear! Thanks for sharing!

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Not if you tie in front of the horse’s own stall. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Truth be told, my farrier doesn’t work on tied horses. Either someone holds the horse or he will work on good characters with them loose in the stall. My vets will work on tied horses but prefer someone to hold.

Granted mine is barefoot. I suppose it might not be practical to shoe a horse that’s loose in the stall, I dunno really it’s been a hot minute since I’ve had a shod horse. It’s a personal point of pride for me that my farrier is comfortable not only trimming my horse loose in the stall but also in the paddock. Farrier will put a halter on him in the paddock and throw lead rope over horse’s neck and go to work. It’s a testament to horse’s good mind and good manners.

Either way I intend to be able to control horse head access to the aisle.

I don’t tie in aisles regardless. I like legit cross ties with a back wall or single tie in the stall. Always with a blocker tie ring in the stall. Just recently have I become comfortable using cross ties without blocker tie rings. And for my home barn I’ll either have blocker ties or may try those Velcro things.

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we have a similar barn, but when you put a trunk in front of the stall there goes that two feet.

Has Op thought about turning the structure 90 degrees to have entrance on the long wall?

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I have seriously considered having the aisle run through the long wall. In fact if I had needed to tighten the budget, ordering a 24x36 and having the aisle perpendicular to the roof peak was the plan.

I considered it for the size I ordered as well, the 30 x45. I could, with the addition of some header bars, have two 12x15 stalls then a 12 ft aisle and then a 21x30 storage area. This layout doesn’t suit my needs as well.

I don’t do trunks in the aisle either. I don’t like the way they look. Hay always seems to want to catch on the corners. Shoot, I don’t even like blanket bars on stalls. Halters and name plates, that’s it lol.

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