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Finally had an eye exam

I spoke with my allergist who had originally recommended Flonase, after I read the label which warns of the risk of cataracts (among other things, including glaucoma) and the need for yearly eye exams if using it. I was told that’s because of the steroid it contains, which is why I won’t use it.

A cataract specialist told me that they tend to be genetic, for instance, he’d operated on three sisters, who all needed cataract surgery in their 50s.

I used Flonase for about five minutes, many years ago. I’ve had a lifelong problem with nosebleeds, and Flonase made it much worse. I avoid all steroids except for a very occasional joint injection (nothing systemic, but it gets everywhere anyway). I had my knees injected Thursday, and Friday morning my glucose was up to 208 (usually runs in the 150s). That only lasted for the one day, which was a relief.

Over the years, the joint injections have certainly added up. I’ve had hip bursas done multiple times, a couple of fingers, a toe, my knees twice, and my shoulders multiple times. I wonder if any of that contributed to my cataracts?

I am pretty sure my mother never had cataract surgery, but then, she died pretty young (at 70). My father did, and my sister did. I guess my father had some kind of complication, but I don’t think it was permanent. I dropped him from my life after too many years of crap treatment from him, so I don’t know how the last ten years of his life went.


good info…as I said it was suggested my nasal spay caused mine at 45.

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Well right eye has the new lens. Very odd seeing SO WELL with it on distances. Comparing vision with left eye using glasses, big difference! Can’t read lap books with right eye alone. Still need the bifocals I will get with new glasses. Can drive without glasses, using right eye, amazingly well! Never did that before. Vision is still fluctuating, which Doc said is normal as eyeball gets evenly pressurized again. As mentioned, things are clear, sharp, cloudiness gone in repaired eye. New glass for “the window!” I can now realize how BAD my vision was, despite wearing glasses. My depth perception is slightly off, expected, will see if it corrects by my 2nd post-op visit next Wed. Need to wear a hard patch at night to protect the eye from pressure, accidental rubbing, for 7 days. No bending over or lifting over 25#s.

Surgery time was a breeze, heated blankets while on the bed and anesthetic removed me from “being there.” Perfect.

Getting much better at getting drops in the eye, not flooding them over on my face! Never did eye drops in my own eyes before. Tracking drop applications and times on paper because they are so many and applied 4 times a day. Two kinds continue for 4 weeks, while the third is only for 7 days. Sure could not keep that straight without a list!

I do think having second eye done will help, totally new glasses, so they will be able to work together then. Dr warned me fixed eye and unrepaired eye will not coordinate now even with no right lens in glasses.


Congratulations on getting done with the first one! You’ll really love it when both are done and they work together.
