Finding a puppy--Nellie is here- 1st birthday Oct 8th pics 9/30

My GP/Anatolian/GSD had almost no hair on his entire tail when I picked him up. It has filled out gloriously already - I like to say he went from possum to awesome :smiley: :laughing:


Impressed with the 8 hour No pee skill !

Sheā€™s really going to be beautiful ! Inside and out !


The vet has me putting athletes foot cream on it daily ( have a week left) since he was afraid it might be fungus related , not sibling related. It is soft and shiny hair now, so much better than the possum tail she had :grimacing:

@BUSY I am so happy about not having to go out at 10 pm, 12pm, 2 am ! For a while I felt like I was a new mother all over again getting up to feed a baby. Not good at my age. I need my sleep.


Nellieā€™s first snow.


Love your pics ! Thank you - looks like they had a blast !

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It seems every morning she looks bigger??


She is bigger !!! Wow ! What a nice puppy !


I love that blue eye-sheā€™s really a cute pup and will be a striking dog when she grows up!

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The blue eye and the silly end of her tail crack me up. Make her look extra naughty! She is so big now.

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I have to admit she is really well behaved now ( for the most part). She does chores with us unrestrained and so far comes from wherever she is when I call ( treat in my pocket is waiting and that helps) :slight_smile:

She does have a sneaky nature and is a stealer of things that donā€™t belong to her but what pup isnā€™t??

I can hardly lift her onto my lap now and she just hangs off when I do. That is ok because she doesnā€™t want to get love and kisses. She writhes, moans, mumbles and bites!


She gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks as per the vet when she was weighed before her spay last Friday. She is getting sooooo long bodied . I can hardly keep her on my lap when I am lucky enough to get her in a " sleepy moment" :slight_smile: They are extremely rare.

No more baby gate keeping her contained at night. My baby is growing up. She will be 4 months old on Feb 8th!!


Love her !

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She sure is growing and lengthening too. That pup needs some real toys to chew on and play with. Or do like I do, take her to the feed store and let her pick out her own toys. Each time we go, we come home with a new favorite.
Keeps them from chewing up paper or catalogs. Or furniture. Or shoes.


We have loads of dog toys. she goes into my daughters room where her Aussie Mia has her toys and steals them every chance she gets.

She has designated slippers and shoes ( bought just for her) along with chew bones, toys, sticks, bath brush that I keep in a bag that she gets into at will and chooses what she wants that day. She loves ripping up my lunch yogurt container ( as shown) and we have 3 sets of deer antlers strewn in the living room so no chewing on unapproved surfaces so far :slight_smile:

Our catalogs have taken a hit but that phase is passing a little.

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Youā€™re lucky. My puppy is almost 2 and still thinks that paper products are a vital part of her diet. Iā€™d love if she just shredded them, but she actually eats paper and cardboard. Now, sheā€™ll sneak off and find something and usually bring it to me to see if she can have it. I usually rip off a small piece for her to eat so she doesnā€™t start playing keep away. Paper is pretty tame compared to some of the other non-edible things sheā€™s eaten so far. I have a backyard full of random dog toy parts that have worked their way through. Luckily sheā€™s a big girl. Sheā€™s outgrown eating small rocks and has no interest in eating plastic.

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Maybe Iā€™m a little sensitive to puppies/dogs eating household things as my neiceā€™s dog eventually died from continually ingesting forbidden things. Heā€™d had surgery previously to remove stuff from his stomach. So sad for such a nice young dog.


Mine is really into nuts the squirrels have hidden, the Burning Bush (!!!), and rocks, of all things. Gives me a heart attack on the daily, I swearā€¦


She has moved on to my boys room and their underwear in the hamper!! I find dirty socks and underwear on her bed and she will happily chew a hole in it but so far I am catching her as she comes in with it ā€“ Tail in the air as happy and proud as can be. I feel bad ( almost) taking her treasures away :smiley:

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Luckily mine hasnā€™t gone for underwear, but loves finding socks and gloves. She will come in with the proud prance, or even the ā€œcanā€™t catch meā€ play moves. Sheā€™s old enough now to understand that sheā€™s not supposed to destroy them, so sometimes I will let her keep them for a little while, as long as I can watch to make sure she only wants to possess them, not eat or shred them. Iā€™ve been home from work for an hour, and so far she brought me the electric bill from the upstairs office, and a little ā€œMerry Christmasā€ sign from the basement.

Meanwhile, Iā€™m pet sitting for my neighbor, whose dog is also just short of 2 years old, and she can be left loose in the house with generally good results. However, I canā€™t bring her over to play and hang out in my backyard unsupervised because she is a digger. I guess they all come with different good and bad behaviors.


What a cute pup!! Congrats and she looks like sheā€™s settled in so well <3

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