I have been looking for my next (and probably LAST) horse for the past 14 months since I had to put down my Morgan gelding. I have been looking for a Lippitt or 100% Foundation gelding/mare, but the I haven’t found EXACTLY what I’m looking for (age, training, price, distance from home). I am rather inflexible in the above but have told my cousin/friend and the barn owner that I am more open to a horse of a different breed which would be, if I got one, a ‘fill-in’ or ‘second’ horse. (I am lucky enough to be able to afford the board for two horses at the long-time barn where I have boarded.)
That being said, I was perusing craigslist this morning and found a OTTB gelding. He is a ‘nephew’, of an OTTB gelding I owned 17 years ago. He is only 75 miles from where I live, described as “very quiet” and “100% sound.” His price is twice what I would look to pay for a ‘second’ horse, barely off the track (less than 6 weeks), and is bigger than I like (16.2, prefer 16.0 or less, as I am a short-legged 5’4"). Being an OTTB, the gelding MIGHT need shoes (my blacksmith only trims, doesn’t shoe), something for ulcers, and probably, professional re-training. In addition, I think my personality suits quieter breeds, although I don’t have a FEAR of hotter horses.
Disclaimer: I wasn’t that attached to my former OTTB, but I think that some of the problems I had with him MAY have been caused by the (previous) barn owner I had. Also, although my OTTB had a fantastic walk (12" overstride at a NORMAL walk) and nice canter/gallop, I could never learn to post his sewing-machine trot. He was, also, spooky on the trails which I ended up using him for, as my divorce thereafter cancelled any other horsey aspirations due to (lack of) finances.
Now, along with, “Are you CRAZY to consider buying this horse?” based on above, I have some questions. I THINK I remember people here in the Racing Forum being able to find out if a TB had been 'vanned off/did not finish/other racing-related stuff." If there is a place I can find this information, I am willing to pay for it. This gelding didn’t earn much in his racing career. There was some in 2018, next-to-nothing in 2019, and some in 2020, and it makes me wonder if he was laid up in 2019. (I WOULD have a (moderate) PPE done before purchasing.)
Also, he is listed as a “Horse” on pedigreequery.com. Is there a way to find out WHEN he was gelded? If purchased, he would be put in a ‘mixed herd’; I wouldn’t want/couldn’t have a recently gelded horse which MIGHT cause trouble.
I don’t know if I am SERIOUSLY thinking of buying or even looking at him. However, knowing some of the above may help me to make a decision about it.
Thanks in advance for any and all help in this.