first canter in a year!

My horse and I went out on the rangeland ALONE yesterday! It has been almost one year exactly since the car accident which really crippled me, so this was a huge step. We have been going on short rides, usually with someone else. The big news is we has the most beautiful canter in one of our former fave stretches!
Yay to recovery! Yay to baby steps leading to joy! I know you all are empathetic to this so had to post it today. I’m a tad bit sore but it was sooo worth it!!

Hooooraaaay for you! I am so very happy for you! I’m sure it was exhilarating, and I wish you many, many, many more joyous days in the saddle…

Congrats! I can imagine it felt wonderful!! :slight_smile: Here’s to many more moments like those.

Good for you!!! I bet that must have felt amazing and I’m sure you have many more to come…:yes:

That is just wonderful!!



It’s intoxicating, isn’t it! That’s when I felt like I was truly alive again. I am so happy for you!:D:D

Good job! Isn’t it a wonderful feeling?

I am so happy for you!

Yes! It was a golden moment. I really felt my horse taking care of me on that ride, too. He stood planted whenever I fidgeted with my stirrups. He was solid and responsive. He waited so patiently for me to give him the canter cue, and though I was prepared for a little buck or pulling or both, he was steady as a boat. I will cherish this memory! Baby steps will continue, but it seems we are back on our feet and in the saddle-just a few days shy of one whole year.
Thanks so much for all your sweet enthusiastic support! COTH is great!