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First pair of tall boots, heel coming up?

Hi All,

I thought these boots fit pretty well at first, a little bigger than I wanted through the calf but I don’t care if they get the job done. But when I ride I find my heel comes UP out of the foot bed and I have to keep cramming it back down or even grab my boot and pull it up. I’ve ridden in them three times and it has gotten a little better as they break in.

Anyone know what causes this? Too big? Too small? Normal break in process? Is there anything I can do? Even just hanging my feet down out of the stirrups and I feel my foot sliding up and heel coming out.


Depending on the make, some boots have a larger ankle space to give more of a stovepipe look. Your heel may float a bit due to that. You could try putting thicker boot socks on and see if that helps until they drop. Once they fully drop, you might not have this problem. Another thing you could try is a small heel riser just to take up the space.

First thought is that the ankles are still very stiff and once they relax/break in you’ll have an easier time of it.

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I had this problem with my first pair of dressage boots, stove pipe no zip Cavallos.

I had the leather guy line the heels with thick suede. An easier option is to get heel liners from a shoe repair shop or Amazon.

I was having a lot of lunge line lessons in those days and it was really counterproductive to have my heels up all the time.