Ugh! So I posted here before that I had a concussion back in December after getting bucked off and kneed in the head. Turned into post concussion syndrome and I’m about 85% better now.
Last week i had my first real ride back on my own horse (whose also recovering from an injury and not the one I fell off of).
I was so exited to be back on him, things were going great, until they weren’t. My horse spooked and starting playing - typically no big deal, but I’m currently feeling like a rag doll on horse back! I didn’t come off, but came close.
Que mental breakdown!
Ive never been scared to ride so this made the mental breakdown worse! Feeling like I’ll be scared forever, like I’ll never get back to where I was - and even worse feeling like I don’t care IF I get back to where I was.
Ive been back twice, both times went well, but I’m just not that eager to ride - literally makes me want to cry saying that.
Has anyone else struggled with this? I know I need to just get strong again and my confidence will come back, but the fact that my horse is also recovering (so he’s more up than usual) isn’t helping, and I don’t trust getting on something I don’t know.
any and all support is appreciated