First rodeo for my son and his horse!

My daughter has been barrel racing on her mini since last Summer, but my son had yet to participate. Yesterday we hauled his OTTB to their first rodeo. Not only had the horse never been to a youth rodeo, but we had never hauled him to any event with other horses. He was more alert than I have ever seen, but he did great! Faced a lot of firsts, including the screaming goat my son rode him up to and jumped off at. He was a stand out among the short and stout ponies and quarter horses, but the crowd went quiet and noticed his beautiful, effortless trot. He made that barrel pattern look like it had been misplaced in some fancy dressage ring. I am beyond proud of them both.





Glad he had a good time!

Now he can truthfully say “This isn’t my first rodeo!!!”


Well done, congratulations!