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First/Starter Dressage Saddle

i know i bought mine before i moved to missouri in 1994. I’m pretty sure i bought it when i still had my mustang and boarded in GGP…and that was between 1984-1994.

Well, it wasn’t from Thorowgood, which didn’t exist prior to 13 December 1994.

nope. It was most definitely a Thorowgood. Just a quickie little history tour from my photo album. I have pics of me riding my young Morgan stallion in it in GGP… I even remember the tackstore i bought it from in CA…and how glad i was that it fit both my new stallion and my mustang mare. I moved from California WITH that saddle in Nov 1994.

Don’t know how else to explain to you that Thorowgood, as a company, did not exist prior to that date. On their own website they say they have been in existence for 30 years.

so, my little ‘fanclub’ of one… (it’s flatteringly funny how you find me sooooo irresistible!)

i don’t know how to explain to you that maybe they didn’t instantly pop into business without first having made any saddles.

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You sound a lot like me. I bought my first dressage saddle last year. I have a tight budget and I’m new to dressage, but an experienced rider. Specifically, I’m from the old school hunter world of plain flap, flat seat saddles and I cannot stand being forced into a position with blocks and super-deep seats. I ended up finding a good deal on an old Miller’s Klimke saddle. It is comfortable, has allowed me to develop a correct position for dressage, and fits a reasonable variety of horses. They can be found relatively easily because they are built like iron. Here is an old thread about them: Miller Klimke Saddles?


This might be your best bet. Find a forward thinking fitter who sees you as an up and coming client, not just for what you can afford right now.

If that is not an option, I have had good luck with Pelham Saddlery-they will let you trial saddles so if something doesn’t work you can send it back. They are also very helpful, so will be happy to talk to you about what you are looking for.

Brand wise Stubbens are good TB type saddles and have been in production forever and a year so you should be able to find an older model. Frank Baines makes a good saddle, and I would never steer anyone away from a County(unless I wanted it for myself).

And ask around in your own backyard, there are probably saddles gathering dust in your neighborhood right now owned by people who just don’t want to deal with the ebay/facebook/craigslist experience. Doesn’t hurt to ask.


Time for new glasses? “35 years of saddle making expertise in Walsall.” https://www.thorowgood.com/features I remember selling them many years ago when I worked in a tack shop before 1995.


Agreed, but especially the Wintec Isabell or Pro (which have already been recommended on this thread). It is worth trying them out though because as others have mentioned different riders prefer different saddles.


I second Pelham Saddlery! I’ve bought 2 saddles from them and they’ve been great.

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Pelham Saddlery is great. We have had good luck here during pony club years and first years of riding dressage with the Barnsby line and Keiffer.

I also have used Pelham, but for a jump saddle.

I really wanted the Albion I tried. The flap was wrong for my leg. I bought the other saddle I tried from Pelham though. I was very pleased with their service. Saddles were exactly as described. The trial period was fantastic

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I saw a Neidersuss on Facebook Marketplace for $315. And it looked in good shape.

Good luck.

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I have become a total Wintec convert. They definitely aren’t the cheaply made saddles they once were.

I ride in a Pro Dressage. The Isabell also works well for a lot of people.

Overall, dressage saddles in general are a lot harder to fit both horse and rider. What works for once horse or rider definitely doesn’t work for all.


Wasn’t there another saddle brand that started with Thoro…something? I can’t find anything on Google but I have this vague memory of riding in something in the late 90s early 2000s with that name.

@soloudinhere, @eightpondfarm , here’s the response from Thorowgood themselves:

Hi "Endlessclimb"

Thanks for your message. Thorowgood has indeed been making saddles for around 35 years. The company came under new ownership in 1994, but it is entirely feasible that there are some of the much older saddles still out there in circulation. They will, of course, not bear any resemblance to the saddles we make today that feature SimaTree changeable gullet bars, English wool flocking etc.

Best wishes


So, @soloudinhere, would you like to apologize for being unnecessarily rude on a topic you had no intimate knowledge about, or… ?


LOL… thanks endlessclimb :wink: That was nice of you :slightly_smiling_face:

i already knew two things:

  1. i had a Thorowgood saddle and gave it away to a nice young new horse owner after riding on it for 35 years. Which is my main point, that they are really durable synthetic saddles.

  2. soloudinhere’s opinion of me is not important


Dutchmare433, you may be recalling Thornhill saddles. They were bought out by Intrepid International. I rode with a trainer in the early 1990’s who was a distributor; They were quality, wood stuffed saddles at a bargain price, especially suitable for growing juniors.

Would you go with an older model Passier or an older model Albion. I’ve found a couple of each that I’m interested in that are in my price range. Specifically the Passier Nicole Grand Gilbert vs Albion Legend 5000.

It really comes down to fit. Ride in both if you can. Both are good quality saddles, but personal conformation plays a huge part in how a saddle will work for each individual.