I’ve been riding since 2019 and bought my first horse just over a year ago with guidance from my trainer. When my horse arrived, he was overweight and out of shape. I wanted to focus solely on groundwork initially, but my trainer insisted we start riding him right away. While he lost weight and started moving a bit better, he still dramatically lacked topline and hindleg muscle nine months later, so I called the vet to see what was going on.
The vet diagnosed superficial ligament tears in both hindlegs via ultrasound, and a fetlock drop. Rehabilitation will take 6–12 months, and there’s a small chance he might not be rideable again because of the fetlock. Not the result I expected, to say the least.
My trainer is truly great, with soft methods that align with my values (and there are not a lot of those around me), but as my horse’s situation has evolved I’ve started wondering if his needs would be better met elsewhere, at least during his recovery.
The barn I’m considering offers:
- Outdoor board (stall may be rented, but no service comes with it).
- Smaller but regularly cleaned paddocks with only 2-4 horses per group, and firmer ground.
- Truly unlimited hay, under a hay net.
- An indoor arena, which would help me stay consistent with 5-6x/week rehab exercices (we’re in Canada; outdoor ring was unusable at least half the time last Winter, if not more).
- Lower cost ($470–500 vs. $625).
- Closer to home (20-minute drive vs. 30).
- No trainer, but a good friend who has 15+ years of experience agreed to help us if/when needed.
While I value my trainer’s expertise, I’m struggling with some of his practices: (trainer is also the barn manager, and he doesn’t have employee, so he’s responsible for everything)
- Hay is supposed to be unlimited, but horses only gets 2 flakes while stalled from 4pm to 8am, so they spend around 8-10 hours without food.
- Paddocks have only one feeding point for 6–7 horses, which causes a bit of conflict daily (new scratches on lower ranking horse most days).
- Paddocks are rarely picked : he prepared them for Winter last week, and we already have mud/manure up to the ankle near the feeding area/door.
- Medication have been forgotten despite agreements to administer them.
- Feeding and turnout schedules are somewhat inconsistent, delayed by lessons, training and personal trail rides.
- “Good enough” and “Mostly OK” is just fine to him, so my efforts to do the very best I can for my horse are often belittled
Could moving to a barn that looks like it would better support my horse’s recovery be the right choice?
I’m torn because I value my trainer and don’t want to damage our relationship or come across as ungrateful for everything they’ve done. I’m also unsure how to approach the conversation in a way that’s respectful and minimizes any hard feelings.
Thank you in advance for any advice