First time posting under this topic...

Hi all! So, this is my first time ever posting under this topic… Please excuse my newbie-ness!

I’m in need of some serious jingles and a little COTH’er wisdom.

I was recently diagnosed with SEVERE ADHD, severe anxiety, and depression (which seems to run in my family, lol). I am also currently undergoing diagnosis on extreme joint pain (on a scale, it’s 7-8 pain almost all the time). I’ve gone the medical route and I’m now trying supplements and the traditional medical route. Basically, living hurts right now. It’s hard being young but not feeling it, you know? :sigh: I also have a super green TB, and riding is getting harder and harder… not his fault, he’s doing great, it just HURTS. Once I’m moving around it’s a little better but it hurts to start moving around… ugh.

Anyways… I’m in need of jingles, coping suggestions for the pain/mental quirks, any supplement/med suggestions, and a little encouragement and COTH wisdom right now I guess.

jingling for you! I also have severe depression and anxiety, so I know how hard it can be sometimes! It must be really hard to deal with that AND joint pain.

Have you tried chondrotin (sp?) for the joint pain? I know a few people (and animals!) that have majorly benefited from it.

I too find that once I get moving, everything feels better. But with the depression, sometimes just getting me up and to the barn is the hardest part.

Hope you’re able to cope and work on your greenbean!

I am so sorry your plate is so full! Are you on meds for the depression? Zoloft saved my sanity…there is a med for you that will work, you just have to find it. And there are herbal remedies such as tissue salts you can try for little investment. I take a liquid mineral supplement called Buried Treasure because i was having such awful joint pain that it was hard to get out of bed. It helps a lot. Might just be me, but again worth a try. It is depressing in itself to always be in pain. After a broken foot, three abdominal surgeries and menopause I know a little bit about pain and depression! Heck, it hurts my eyes and my feelings to look at my once-svelte body and then I get depressed all over again :winkgrin:!
Good luck and hang in there.

Osteo Bi flex Maximum and Blue Label Barleans Fresh pressed cold Flaxseed Oil I squirt down the back of my throat so I dont taste it 3x a day has really helped me.

I had severe joint pain and it took a couple of years to diagnose me with RA after misdiagnosis of fibromylagia.

Big jingles and positive energy sent your way. Pull yourself up by those boot straps and kick on! We’re here to push! Hugs!

People who are dealing with your same issues gave you some great advice, so I’ll just add jingles!

Thanks everyone–it really cheered me up to see the jingles and encouragement when I logged on this morning :slight_smile:
I will definitely have to try some of those supplements… I just started on Chondroitin/MSM/Glucosamine combo so hopefully that’ll start working as well.
I’m off to see my regular Dr (not my joint specialist or my mental Dr, lol) next week to get some mild antidepressants and possibly an anxiety med, as well as ADHD meds. The Dr who diagnosed me with all of that said it was possible that with the ADHD meds, the other two would become much, much less severe than they are now… she said people with ADHD often feel depressed and anxious because they A.) can’t focus and struggle in school/work/life and B.) because their brains are running a mile a minute and can’t settle down, so turn to anxiety as a release for that energy… or something like that. The depression actually has gotten better, it’s one of those on and off things I suppose.
The thing I found funny (and true) was that she said riding worked in a therapeutic capacity for me, like that was when my brain was actually working correctly and producing the right chemical balance. It sounded odd at first but… she’s actually right. Who knew training an OTTB and hacking around on a retiree could be therapy :wink:

My daughter who is diagnosed adhd has a prescription from her neurologist for “horseback riding therapy”. He said the riding will help her with her focus and attention span. She also has depression and has been able to cut her anti depressant dosage in half now that she is balanced on adhd meds.

Jingles to you, it can’t be easy. You must have had great self control to make it through school without being diagnosed as adhd!

No advice for the joint pain, just jingles!

My daughter who is diagnosed adhd has a prescription from her neurologist for “horseback riding therapy”. He said the riding will help her with her focus and attention span. She also has depression and has been able to cut her anti depressant dosage in half now that she is balanced on adhd meds.

Jingles to you, it can’t be easy. You must have had great self control to make it through school without being diagnosed as adhd!

No advice for the joint pain, just jingles![/QUOTE]

I was an A/B student all through elementary, middle, and part of high school, until late last year when I enrolled into an accelerated learning college program to allow for my riding and my academic level, but at this pretty high level of school (especially for my age and the major I was in) I just couldn’t handle it anymore so we decided to get a diagnosis. We stepped back down to high school (I’m a rising Junior) so I could have a little easier time with school and I’m really glad I did.

Riding really does do wonders for me, it always has, we just never knew that there was a problem to help with in the first place lol. Even just being around my two boys makes me feel a little bit better.




Has anyone ever tested you for Lyme Disease?

Jingles. I’m sending you a hug.

Big hugs and lots of jingles on your way !

Thanks for the jingles everyone :slight_smile:

I was tested for lyme, as well as many other things… They are pretty sure it’s the Juvenile Spodyloarthritis form of Ankylosing Spondylitis, which I suppose is better than some of the alternatives. I’ve gone gluten-free and am started some holistic supplements since NSAIDs and steroidal anti-inflamatories weren’t working (bad side effects from both).

I’m doing a lot better now, just trying to keep busy and not let anything get me down (hard with depression, but doable!) Wallowing in it isn’t going to change a thing, so I might as well move on and keep on going :slight_smile: I’m taking my OTTB to his first event this weekend and getting ready to start school towards the end of the month, and just enjoying life.

Thanks for all the encouragement, it really means a lot :slight_smile:

Buried Treasure! Try it! And have a blast at your event. I truly believe horses (and dogs) are the best healers - way better than people are!

Horse therapy is what you need, and alot of it.

I have endurance ridden for years. Horses really help ALOT for anybody who has quirks. We all do. Horses adapt easy to many situations. If not, find a horse who does.

Now I just trail ride, no more competing. I am riding a gaited horse these days. Yes, in all my dressage/english tack. No more trotting for me. I got a compound tibia, and over time I was just really sore to ride my arab.

I got a gaited horse and ride quite a bit with no pain. My long yearling I bought is now a 5 yr old, and she is pretty sensitive. She pays attention, and is very light off the leg and hand. Just what I really needed for a pain free ride. Not sure is the right horse for every body due to her being so light on her aids, but it works for me very much so. She isn’t spooky or flighty or anything like that. She has quite the golden retriever personality, which is what this breed is very well known for. She can be a handful at times, but I am fair with her, and she responds to this. Smart gal she is. I do think she is very consistent to ride and handle.

Although I couldn’t physically ride the hard rides any more, getting a horse more suited to my needs has given me a new lease on riding again.

Hey there!

I have Ankylosing Spondilytis- it is painful, but there are lots of things that you can do that will help. I SO hear you about being in major pain when being still and feeling better when you get going. It’s the geting up part that is so hard :no:.
There are some excellent medications out there for AS- the biologic stuff (remicade, simponi, etc) is great if you need it- it does mean learning to give yourself shots (or having a family member do it) or having regular iv sessions, but they are quick and it can make you feel so much better. Methotrexate (a very mild chemo) can be helpful for a lot of folks, but I couldn’t tolerate it. There are some other pain meds that can help day to day, and if you need something fairly strong, make sure you ask your Dr. for it- you deserve to be able to get through the day in one piece.

As far as non- med solutions, the anti-anflamitory diet (paleo diet) worked wonders for me! Good for you in getting off gluten already! All starches and dairy kind of do me in, and as much as it kills me, I try to avoid them. LOADS of fresh veggies and fruit, lean meats and a good omega-3 balance makes a difference. Heat helps the joints and connective tissues- long hot baths (my perfect husband built me an “AS” bathroom with a jetted tub and heated floors:winkgrin:) have saved me plenty of times.

As hard as it is, try to move as much as possible. Riding IS therapy!! It has made such a huge difference in my life. Even when it hurts too much to really work (I do dressage, and that sitting trot sometimes… ouch), we just ride up and down the hills, putz around bareback or I just go and groom her and give her cookies and love. My horse always makes me feel better.

I hope that you feel better and get really good medical care. Learn to advocate for yourself and make sure that the DR really listens to how you feel and what you need. Hang in there- you are right on the edge of feeling a LOT better :yes:. Please feel free to PM me if you have ANY AS questions- I have tried just about everything out there for this disease and am happy to share my experiences.



Moonriver - where do you get Buried Treasure and what is in it? How does it help? What is AS and what are the symptoms? I also have depression, bipolar II pretty much and dreadful anxiety – like someone revving the engine and going nowhere - just chasing your tail! I have meds and they help – changed from Zoloft to a newer one that is also useful for back pain – Pristiq. All my joints are bad – have had injections in many, surgery on my rt shoulder. Have damage at my L2 from a fracture and bulging discs throughout my lumbar area as well as degeneration at L5-S1, haven’t even tested the cervical yet, but have issues there, too. Use chiro, helps alot. Have sciatica, too. Using ice is a great relief, so is my Teeter table and doing some stretches and moving around. My PT has given me some very good information about how to bend and lift things. I also have carpal tunnel in both wrists, a fairly recent sprain in my left wrist and still have issues with my rt wrist which had a torn tendon and nerve entrapment, and a knee that wants to give way at times, both are stiff. I would love to use more holistic type treatments and exercises to stay flexible and strengthen my back, etc. Thanks for all the tips and information – hugs and good luck to the OP - it gets quite daunting and overwhelming sometimes. I try to stay away from anything narcotic. I think the horses and moving around really helps with the depression and anxiety as well as the stiffness – gets those endophins and enkephalins released. All those old injuries and misuse of our bods come back to bite us in the arse.