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First Time Sport Horse Breeder - Registering The Foal

Hi, I am a small time thoroughbred breeder whose son has become an avid evener. Over the past couple years I have become increasingly disheartened with racing, and have really started to enjoy eventing. I have a broodmare, who while wasn’t very fast, is built really well, was never injured, has great feet, etc. I hired a breeder/rider from England to help pair her, and am almost ready to pull the trigger.

I want to make sure the foal can be registered, however with so many organizations it is very difficulty to follow. Can someone give mw the run down on how this works? Does my mare need to be inspected? I heard TBs are auto-accepted with KWPN - if that is true how do I register my foal? Would my foal need to be inspected? Can you do video inspections with any of the warmblood registries?

Your input is greatly appreciated.

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I think most registries rely on a visual inspection. And most mares score higher if they are not dragged down from nursing a foal or heavily pregnant. I would see where they have inspection stops that might be close to you and talk to the registries about your options.

I forgot - see if the stallion that you want to use is approved for breeding in that registry. Sometimes you can still use the stallion but might have to pay additional stallion fees. And some stallions might not be eligible at all. Most stallion ads will have that information but if not, contact the stallion owner or manager. You don’t want to breed to a stallion and ASSUME you can register the foal so better to know before hand.

The advert says the stallion is approved for Approved For Hanoverian, Hanoverian Jumper Program, Holstein, Westphalian, Oldenburg,OS International, Rhineland, Mecklenburg, all Southern German Verbands, France, Italy, KWPN, Switzerland, Hungary, New Zealand, Swedish Warmblood, Selle Francais

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I would say that about covers it!

The North American Studbook will have registration options for you! Feel free to PM me with any questions about the process! https://northamericanstudbook.com/registration/

KWPN does not require the TB mare to be inspected. If you go to their site, it will walk you through the procedure, which IIRC, is straightforward.
Most other main registries require that the mare be inspected before the foal can be registered. It may be a matter of where you live, and if inspections come to your area, that determines which registry you choose of the many that the stallion is approved with.
Good luck!

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