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Fit for Rodney Powell and Charles Owen vests??

I really want a Rodney Powell vest but I am not sure if it has a chance of fitting because smartpak only carries standard 2. My waist is around 24 1/2 inches and I’m 5"4 and about 100 lbs. is it worth a shot? Or does anyone know a place that I could order a slim that would ship to the United States quickly and cheaply?

I’m also considering a Charles Owen but I’m worried about the fit for that as well.

If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know!!
(The vest MUST be certified)

I did not know RP’s even came in sizes? I have one, but I ordered it from VTO maybe 5-6 years ago, they were all custom, which I required b/c my body is weird. I sent in my measurements with VTO’s great instructions and help and I LOVE it.

Sadly it seems that VTO doesn’t carry them anymore :frowning: