fitness - cardio ideas needed

Hope your doc gives you a clean bill of health…

When your doc gives you an all clear, start easy. I love an elliptical. It’s low impact and I can cook along at different intensities and pretty great. Swimming is also great, especially when its hot. Find something that you think is fun. You will be more likely to stick to it. Give some weight training a try. You won’t be sorry.

I also get a lot of exercise thanks to my crazy active and needy dog (a 2 year old Aussie). She DEMANDS my attention and gets me off of my butt for sure.

Don’t underestimate your nutritional program. You don’t need to diet, but making sure you are eating the right foods at the right times can go a long way toward helping energy levels. I’m following the Beach Body 2BMindset program and its really helping in a lot of ways. I definitely notice a difference with my energy levels - they are more consistent now that I am fuelling my body more appropriately.

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