five point breastplate necessary?

No polos! Seriously. Bare legged is safer than polos for XC.

And, I agree - no polos!!! If she doesn’t like traditional splint boots, you could try something like the equilibrium wrap/boot. They won’t be particularly protective, but if you are worried about going bare legged, they are a better choice than polos. You might also try something like the [URL=“”] which are very light and fit very well

Is the horse allergic to neoprene? Maybe its why shes so fussy? Try the nunn finer boots, no neoprene.

I love my 5 point - for foxhunting only! It’s one more piece to clean, put on/off, and I wouldn’t use it if it wasn’t so necessary in our area. We have spots of scrambling down, a ravine, then scrambling back up and without it, we’d get a bit of slippage.
If you have a good fitting saddle, and are doing BN or N, you probably don’t need one at all (at least I haven’t).
Just say no to the polo wraps!!

Another vote for just a hunting breastplate! I think they look smart, and it’s one less piece of tack between the horse’s legs for them to get caught up in, in a “worst case” scenario. If you need a running attachment, then I don’t think the regular 3 points look bad and all. I admit to liking the look of the 5 points, but can’t see them being necessary in all but a few cases- agree that probably the majority of people wearing them at the lower levels do so for fashion rather than function.