Fixer-upper trailers

Hey y’all!! I am looking for fixer-upper trailers in and around Pennsylvania. I found one not too far from me that looks promising but I haven’t seen it in person yet.
Here is the info on it:
1995 bison 2 horse slant load step up
Needs rust repair and a wire fixed for brakes to work
Solid frame and floorboards
Seller thinks (she needs to check) that the height and width are 6.5’
Unladen weight is 2300 gvwr is 7000 pull with grand Cherokee and f150 and Silverado
Had 16.2 tb in it and minis also

What do you guys think?? Is it worth me buying and fixing up??

6’5 is a pretty narrow width for a slant and pretty low in the ceiling. I guess it would depend on what it needed but a 1995 steel trailer is not going to ever sell for much even in mint condition. If it needs any body work or wiring work realistically you will be putting a couple k into it. Just really depends on what condition it is in.

6’5" (or if 6.5’ means 6’6") either way, it isn’t too narrow for slants, but I am betting it measures a few inches wider. The majority of slant loads out there actually measure 6’9" on the interior, and are often mis-advertised and mis-represented as “7 feet” which they are not. Generally, if the wheel wells are on the OUTSIDE of the trailer, and it is a slant, it is going to be 6’9" on the interior. There are exceptions, but I am 99.9% sure that Bison is not going to be one of those exceptions.

I have seen people attempt to turn a normal 6’ wide stock trailer into a slant trailer, “home-made” style. Those slants are usually pretty short nose-to-tail and not very comfortable for anything over 13H.

It very well could be 6’6" tall, which is short compared to some trailers, but it all depends on the horse you are loading. Some handle it fine, others freak out about the low ceiling. Growing up, 40 years ago, it was completely normal to go to county fairs and see a plethora of MASSIVE drafts used for pulling competitions and driving classes crammed into 6’ wide & 6’ tall stock trailers. Not a lot of options decades ago for wider & taller, so you just made it work.

It is hard to say how much work is involved in fixing up a trailer without seeing it in person. Some things just don’t show up in pictures. .