I am wondering if Fjords are good jumpers, and if so, how high can they jump? Also, could someone tell me if they can be over 15.0 Hh? Sorry for the questions, but I’m on a horse rpg and don’t know much about Fjords except for that they seem to be good as dressage as well.
I have an acquaintance who has a Fjord x TB, and while he is a nice boy, his movement is just not hunter enough for the hunters, and so they don’t usually pin unless they are in less competitive company or at schooling shows. He is also not quite a jumper. so she is in a frustrating predicament with him. Show hunters, and lose, or show jumpers and also not pin. They are just a little too unconventional for hunterland. 15h and over is not hugely common unless you are getting a cross. Some people use them in Eventing, but low level usually. I would look for a nice horse of a different breed to spend your time and money on if you want to go to hunterland. Sorry.
I don’t do hunters so I am not as good at telling you weather they would pin well. Having a Fjord do Grand Prix would defiantly be the exception not the rule. however most horses can jump 3’ a fjord would probable be capable of that as well. They are super adorable too!
If you want to learn about Fjords, check out the web site of the Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry. http://www.nfhr.com/catalog/index.php Click on “About the Breed.”
Can Fjords jump? Go to the registry’s “Gallery” page:
and click on “English.”
Or look at a video:
CAN Fjords jump? The ones I’ve seen can.
Its not a question of can they jump, more a question of what kind of jumping are you looking to do? Hunters? They just aren’t hunter typey enough. Low level jumpers? You could have some fun. Lower level Eventing? I’ve seen a bunch in this and they are awesome up Beginner Novice and Novice ranks.
Great for adults/teens that like a chunky/solid build without being tall. They can be very good at locking that neck of theirs and trucking off to do as they please. I adore them but it totally depends on your goals
CAN Fjords jump? The ones I’ve seen can.
Its not a question of can they jump, more a question of what kind of jumping are you looking to do? Hunters? They just aren’t hunter typey enough. Low level jumpers? You could have some fun. Lower level Eventing? I’ve seen a bunch in this and they are awesome up Beginner Novice and Novice ranks.
Great for adults/teens that like a chunky/solid build without being tall. They can be very good at locking that neck of theirs and trucking off to do as they please. I adore them but it totally depends on your goals[/QUOTE]
I’m looking at jumping/eventing though more towards eventing I think, since I’m looking for fjords for cross country and show jumping, maybe with some dressage training or show experience as well.
I’ve seen several do lower level eventing (mostly 2’6 and under) pretty successfully. I wouldn’t expect much more on average-- maybe Novice, although I’m sure there are exceptions. The ones I’ve seen are cute jumpers, but don’t look very fast so I’m not sure how they would do in recognized events.
get one, have a blast and then YOU tell US the answers! I love the ones that are different.
Everyone assumes that people compete to WIN - not true. Maybe op just wants to have fun with a different type of horse.
A very good friend of mine competed a Fjord for years. She competed in schooling to B shows with him, and actually placed really well most of the time. It had a nice jump for hunters. However, the horse maxed out at 3 feet. He just couldn’t get itself over anything bigger, so she eventually got a different horse.
I believe it was about 14.3. He takes up leg really well.
I’m looking at jumping/eventing though more towards eventing I think, since I’m looking for fjords for cross country and show jumping, maybe with some dressage training or show experience as well.[/QUOTE]
For clarification…
In the initial post, the OP indicated that this was information gathering for a horse rpg. That’s “role playing game,” for those of you not up on gaming.
So, OP, you’re not talking for reals, right, but for rpg?
Yes, I’m talking about rpg.
Yes, I’m talking about rpg.[/QUOTE]
This is a forum about real horses, not fictional ones. So I have no idea if this horse in a video game can jump. Please consult a forum for gaming. And thank you Nosuchperson, for informing all of us that are out of the loop as to what an rpg is.
This is a forum about real horses, not fictional ones. So I have no idea if this horse in a video game can jump. Please consult a forum for gaming. And thank you Nosuchperson, for informing all of us that are out of the loop as to what an rpg is.[/QUOTE]
No need to be rude. I don’t have any rpg experience but I think it is pretty cool that someone wants to develop their knowledge about a breed in order to make a more realistic character.
If I were picking a horse for a rpg as a jumping prospect a Fjord would not be a top choice although it is feasible. The 100% Fjords that jump are doing so for pleasure or are at low levels of competition. They structurally are not suited for A level hunters or for jumping 3’6"+ courses against the clock. There are several out there competing successfully at beginner novice/novice eventing. So to maintain realism I would only choose a Fjord if I wanted a character horse that was valued for versatility and jumping below 3 feet.
oh wow… I had no idea what rpg was. I thought is was a typo.
I rode a Fjord for a sales barn. He was freaking awesome but a bit stubborn. He would have been great for low level eventing (maxed out at Novice I would think). I did take him into a hunter show and BOYYYY did he turn heads. I did 2’6" division and had a great time. He did well but was not “hunter” prospect. LOL
Fjord is a smaller draft breed. You will not find a registered one for more than 15.2 hands for the most part and many are much smaller (think 14.2)
I am wondering if Fjords are good jumpers, and if so, how high can they jump? Also, could someone tell me if they can be over 15.0 Hh? Sorry for the questions, but I’m on a horse rpg and don’t know much about Fjords except for that they seem to be good as dressage as well.[/QUOTE]
lol all horses and ponies can jump depends on the rider how high they want to go but a little tip if a horse or pony has a huge buck in him then that the height they can actually jump them selves without our help