Flaming Luck- 1997 APHA Mare-- Last Known to be in Utah

Hello everyone,

I am chasing a long shot looking for information on a former horse of mine, Flaming Luck, aka “Flame.” She is a sorrel minimal white overo… a 1997 model. That would make her 14 now. Here is her photo:


I owned her from 2001-2005, and competed in APHA and a few jumper shows. In 2005, I sold her to Victoria and Ellen Cantrell in Utah. I am curious to know what became of her. Using my Google skills, this is the last I’ve heard of her whereabouts:


Around the same time, I also heard from a former horse show friend that she had seen Flame at an APHA show in Utah.

I am not sure if her owners did any more eventing with her, or even attended anymore shows at all. Or if they sold her, for that matter! I know it’s a long shot, but it was recommended I ask on this forum… so here I am!

Thanks in advance for any leads,