What a nice horse. It looked like he was actively breeding mares this year. Godspeed!
Heartbreaking. I wonder what infirmities it was that took him. Condolences to his connections.
We bred to him back in February. I wasn’t present, but my husband said Flatter was definitely looking aged at that time. He still did his job, and pranced back to the stall happy. We are grateful our mare took on that first cover, and will have one of his final crop born next year.
RIP old guy, he was a great one.
Congrats (hah, no pun intended). Will this one be aimed for racing or sport (or both)?
Definitely for the commercial racing market. The mare is “Shine Upon,” by Congaree. 180k winner and stakes producer. I do love the cross for sport, too! But have to pay the bills first.
It is terrific that he was able to get your mare in foal!
I guess I do wonder what took him down so quickly, other than just being older. It’s a shame that he didn’t have a nice retirement. The statement in the article about how tough he was, to the last day, makes it sound like his body just quit on him- but never his spirit!