Curious if anyone has any experience with a horse doing Flehmen response after eating a certain type of treat?
It is every single time she gets the Molasses type balls/muffins. (Minty muffins, stud muffins, German horse muffins, etc.). Owned horse for 2 years and it’s only started a few months ago. She shows no signs of pain while chewing. They are her absolute favorite and the ones she gets the most excited for. She also continues licking and chewing for a few minutes afterwards and will usually yawn as well. My other horse would usually yawn after eating this type of treat, and lick and chew for a few minutes after but the flehmen response is a first for me. She gets dental done (sedation and power tools by vet who specializes in dental) every February with her next appointment in about a month. Her teeth are usually not bad and the vet allows me to see/feel before and after the float.
I just want to make sure I’m not assuming it’s from enjoyment and I’m not completely ignoring a potential issue.