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Fly mask for a donkey that hates fly masks?

I’ve got a bald-faced standard donkey who is extra sensitive to sun and flies around his eyes. I keep his eye area covered with Swat, and we’ve got a routine about doing so every morning and evening. Ideally, he should wear a fly mask…but I’ve never found one that this grumpasaurus would keep on. He’ll just destroy them within two or three days.

I’ve also wondered if I’ve gotten him the right size - he’s got that big donkey noggin, but he himself is not all that large. I’ve tended to get him cob-sized masks. Maybe a horse sized mask would be better?

Do any of you have experience with a mask that works for a donkey that hates them? Thanks!

I either use the plain ol’ Farnam SuperMask with no ears or the Cashel Crusader with the donkey/mule sized ears.

My donkeys (had two, now back down to one) aren’t bad about removing them, though. I don’t know if it’s because of the masks or their personalities. My smaller donkey tends to wear yearling size while my larger one wore horse size.

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have you tried a fringy browband on the halter?

Yeah, he’s bad about removing his own mask and the mask of whoever else is standing around.

I haven’t tried fringe…but I wouldn’t want to turn him out in a halter. I bet fringe would help, though.

I find that a horse size Durvet fly mask fits my standard size donkey’s head very well.

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