Just curious I am just replacing some of the clogged hasco/danfoss nozzles from my fly spray misting system and I have noticed there are several other types, I was curious if anyone had used the other types and had a favorite. The only other person I have talked to that had a fly misting system that had the “Slim line” misters said they clogged all the time, that person was sort of a drama queen so I am not certain if what I have may be the best or the worst. Just curious
here is a link to what I am using now https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=bbd4127b-00b4-4f5e-9a00-05fbbc7691a3&itemguid=482849c6-364c-4d5a-b970-227c93cb9666&sfb=1&grp=F000&grpc=F500&grpsc=F510&sp=f&utm_content=41526&ccd=IFF003&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwp4m0BhBAEiwAsdc4aMnXFe-wVrm6eRgLC0wrEMehgZY4WzdejOIosDuxQdTJeq1fqYlpABoClOkQAvD_BwE