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"Fly Turtle" fly sheets - opinions?

This is the product I am wondering about…anyone have any opinions one way or another?


I currently have the Weatherbeeta Detach-a-Neck and I like it, but I’ve been looking for another similarly priced sheet to try that is light enough for the humid and HOT weather here in the Florida summers and yet has small enough mesh to keep out even the smallest of insects, for my mare who’s allergic to everything that flies and bites!! :cool:

I have one and really like it. I used it last season for the first time and was very pleased, however it does runs large. My mare didn’t sweat terribly and she wore it 24/7. I am in CT and it gets hot and humid here. I do really like the elastic neck and the hardwear is def not wimpy. I washed it a few times and it cleans up beautifully.

Thanks! I have heard they run really large, I may have to size down.