So, after hearing from all you guys that my feed, my grain, was all wrong, i’ve reached out to a professor i know who is an equine nutritionist (and teaches equine science classes at SIU). I’ve given her the formula. Plus told her of the hay and the (starting today) pasture they are all getting acclimated onto. She has been to my farm…has seen my horses, has even asked to bring a fieldtrip here (but we have never gotten together on a good time), SIU is a 3.5 hour trip. She asked to see photos of mares and foals. She just got back to me and said to not change what i’m doing and not to worry, mares and foals look peak condition for this time in their growth/lactation stages. And that a pound of my sheep mix twice a day can’t hurt and might help and that there is nothing wrong with whole oats. With cracked corn. With soy meal.
She also said about ration balancer: that do it right, a person needs to test every new batch of hay, and sample the grazed vegetation monthly, then have an adjusted feed balancer for the horse’s needs at that point in time.
We talked about grazing and given forbs and a wide variety of grasses over large acreage the average horse will ingest almost all of it’s needs. Esp if they drink ground water and if minerals are offered free choice. And she kinda LOL’d when i mentioned that one of these mares was 100% BLM range horse and both foals where sired by a range BLM mustang too.