Foal Watch 2024

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe it’s that time again already. Can’t wait to hear about the COTH foals on the way in 2024!


Thanks for starting this year’s thread!

Sydney (TCR Accidentaly Dunit) is expecting her first foal in April. She’s 240 days today and looking every bit of it in this photo I took yesterday!

Sydney is in foal to Major Mac V for a 75% Arabian foal that will be either bay or buckskin (:crossed_fingers:). The fetal sexing ultrasound says she’s having a colt, and he was sold in utero to a friend of mine from my college equestrian team days.

What does everyone else have coming this year?


No foals coming but we have a Major MAC V son in our barn. He’s a full Arabian, handsome and very athletic.
Good luck with yours, he should be very nice!


Thank you! Sydney has a coming 2 year old half sister by Major Mac V who I just adore. If she produces a buckskin version of her baby sister, both the buyer and I will be ecstatic!


I have a chacco blue ii out of my Orestus mare due March 15. We have fetal sexed it as a colt. So excited.


We have a Cupid coming in March. I am hoping for a filly, though anything is okay as long as it is healthy!

Hop will be bred back to Catalina Cruiser and my show horse will be bred to Emerald.

ETA: picture of Hop snuggled up in her rug. It was in the single digits last night with crazy high winds. Poor girl still has no coat.


Sending everyone all the best wishes for happy and healthy mares and foals and easy deliveries!

My Dulf x Alnok Z x Punctilio xx mare is in foal to Diablue for a late March foal. Foal will definitely be bay, my mare is E/E A/A, but I’m hoping for some chrome.


Good luck to everyone with foals on the way! We’re hoping for two, both TBs. All Aces (in foal to Happy Saver) is due in three weeks or so.



Ooh, I can’t wait to see babies! Time to write out a monthly chart for who is due when :grin:


Living vicariously through you guys this year since my mare lost her Secret pregnancy before the heartbeat check. :disappointed:

Arya’s doing well though, i’ve been riding her 3-4 times a week and she is LOVING being back in work and being the centre of attention again. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I plan to re-breed her sometime between late May and late June this year. Will be using Finest again - to get a full sibling to her 2022 filly, who is maturing beautifully in her new owner’s capable hands.

Looking forward to seeing countdown posts, boobie pics and baby photos! :grin:


No foal for me this year, but excited to follow along on everyone else’s baby journeys! I hope to breed Sunny again in the future, but in the mean time we are focusing on getting her back into shape and hoping to get out eventing some this year!


Oh no! What a bummer, I’m sorry about the lost pregnancy. :frowning:

We have one Riding Pony due early April. TLF Rebel Yell (Ridley , Schroeder, Crown Heartbreaker) x TLF Masquerade (Belafonte d’Avalon, Old Acres St George, Tetworth Tetrach)
Very excited to finally be able to cross my two mare lines!
Sorry, can’t figure out how to add photos.


Thanks… I am disappointed for my buyer, but i’m definitely going to enjoy the break this summer, lol. I get to have my lovely riding horse back for a while. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

What can the COTH hive tell me about Cupid babies? I named my first OTTB Cupid and I was tickled to find out there was sire with his name, that was born right before my guy passed. I’d theoretically love to have a gray Cupid son or daughter.

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I don’t know much about his babies in sport, so can’t be a ton of help.

We used him for our mare because he has a huge walk and would hopefully improve her where she is weak.

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I haven’t posted before but wanted to register and share because reading other people’s’ experiences has been a huge help to me. Our colt was born January 1st at 312 days gestation. Mom had bagged up in early December and trans-abdominal ultrasound made the vet suspect there was a deceased twin. (Yes she was scanned multiple times in early pregnancy and only one was seen). We had been watching her very closely and did not expect a live foal when she went into labor, but this little guy is almost 4 days old now and hanging in there. Hopefully I can figure out a picture. His name is Fuego.


Welcome, @Fuego1! I’m sorry that you joined us under these circumstances. We’ll all be sending lots of good thoughts and jingles (if you’re not familiar with this term, it’s a long-standing COTH tradition to virtually jingle curb chains when we need to send good vibes) to your little guy. He’s adorable, and Mom looks like she’s a sweet girl.


Jingles for little Fuego, Hang in there buddy.

Awwww…!!! Hello, little guy! Lots of hugs and jingles for everyone!