Foot pain--is it bunion related or something more??

I am having excruciating pain in my left foot–high up on the outside, mid-foot and into the ankle on the outside. I have an active bunion on that foot (I have hereditary bunions on both feet) and have already had bunionectomies done on both feet, twice on the right, once on the left. I have put off having the left one looked at, let alone operated on, for a while now.

The pain presents itself when I walk any distance. It gets worse as the day progresses. The big toe/ball of the foot area you would expect to hurt with an inward bending toe is just not there. It’s all midfoot/outside edge. My PT thinks it’s related to me walking more to the outside of my foot for so long and I can’t disagree with that, but it is just red hot right now, with a sudden onset over the weekend two weeks ago. I am calling a podiatrist today to set up an appointment but thought I’d consult here (Paging COTH medical experts, stat!) about other possibilities. Could I have a stress fracture? I trail ran/hiked regularly for months leading up to this, with no real pain. I did have one spot on the upper mid foot that hurt if I pushed on it, but never while walking. Riding my horse (3xweek, lessons on flat and over fences) didn’t make it worse or better, but is still tolerable compared to walking on it right now.

I hate my “frankenfeet”. A lifetime of problems, can’t wear heels or cute sandals. Boo! Hiss! Any ideas or insights greatly appreciated.

I’m not a medical expert, but it sounds like a fracture to me. When is your appointment?

I wouldn’t say I have frankenfeet, but I have had a lot of issues: neuromas my first year of teaching in my secretary shoes, bunions, and I’ve always had low arches. Jogging in really expensive and super supportive shoes has made a huge difference.

I hope you get some relief, especially if it doesn’t mean a forced break from riding.

What you are describing sounds like tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Tarsal Tunnel would be on the inside ankle, like if you tapped under your inside ankle bone, you’d get a positive by feeling a nerve type pain/tingling.

It does sound more like a stress fracture or a ligament sprain. Ice the area for relief. Ice bucket would be good, if you could stand it!!!

Complete sidebar - I’m having a panic attack seeing that you’ve had more than one bunionectomy on the same foot! Is that something I should be worried about having to go through twice? Good lord.

Back on track - Shortly after my bunionectomy and subsequent screw removal surgeries on my left foot, my ankle began popping. LOUDLY. Loud enough to make people think I was wearing flip flops. I’ve been through PT, MRIs, and a few different opinions with no solution. It didn’t hurt at first, but has begun to feel a lot like tarsal tunnel from what I’ve read - though I think it’s something to do with that ligament popping over my bone (gross) instead of a compressed nerve. It, too, gets worse throughout the day and is tender after long, strenuous workouts/ride/days. Unfortunately, I have no solutions or suggestions, but had to chime in.

Frankenfeet, unite! (And good luck finding a quick and easy solution. I had a mid-foot fracture after getting stomped by a horse and they heal SLOWLY)

Completely sympathize with the bunions, had surgery on both my feet for the same reasons, totally franken footed. I still have to wear prescription orthotics in the shoes I wear the most. I don’t know about your secondary issue, there are several feet problems it could be. I hope you get it sorted out and a treatment plan. Not much worse to ruin your day over feet pain.