Foot surgery - how long until I'm on a horse again?

I have a ruptured ligament in my foot that isn’t healing correctly so the doctor feels I need to go under the knife. I havent ridden since June (when I injured myself) and I’m actually glad I’m going under the knife as I just want to be ok enough to get back on the saddle!

So my question is, has anyone had this sort of surgery done? How long after did you ride again?

I have tears in 2 tendons. Tore the dang things 10 years ago but could not find a doctor that believed me (that they tore) and would order an MRI.

So probably in January, I am going to get them cleaned up and repaired. I was told 6 weeks NON weight bearing then 6 more weeks in the cast. I’m sure after that, some PT. So I am guessing (57 y.o…no spring chicken) that it will be nearly 4 months off the horse. I have riden with a cast before (full leg cast:winkgrin:) but I was in high school then and don’t think that kind of thing is in my repertoire anymore. I’m a little more aware of the consequences of falling off now.

I didn’t specifically ask yet…will do in my preop appoint in Dec. I will follow directions though, whatever they are because I’m not looking to repeat the repair or have pain like I’ve had for the last 10 years.

Good luck.


I feel like you should do what your doctor wants you to do. Not what you want to do or what you want us to tell you to do.
JMHO!! Wouldn’t they know better than us? Riding puts a LOT of stress on a foot especially when up in 2 point or when mounting/dismounting. I hope you will use a mounting block for both for awhile. You can undo the surgery very easily so take it slow. Might be you could just wrap the foot well in ace bandages for a slow hack. ASK your doctor or PT.

Soft tissue damage will SCREAM if you ride… Especially without stirrups. You haven’t ridden in months, spends a few more OOTS and come back fully recovered.