For all of you more, ah, "dated" riders.. care to reminisce?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Wrong, ccoronios. I never had a velveteen hat in my life. My black hat didn’t have the elastic thingie, but both my blue and brown ones DID.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I stand corrected. I had only ever seen them on velveteen, although I do recall Kip’s picture in George’s first edition and it stands to reason she would have been wearing velvet.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I’m still looking for a replacement to a rein I had in the 70’s - plain rein w/ a raised front. I do not like laced.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

After some freight train ripped the skin off 4 fingers with laced reins, I never rode in another pair. However, conditioned braided reins are wonderfully supple - but haven’t looked for them in a million years… I think I recall the ones you describe - sort of like a thin pencil line sewn on top of the rein to just about where a running martingale ring would be?

Oh!!! Thank you thank you!!! I’ve been trying to remember the name of that pony for years!!! Just yesterday, when I was picking out my horse’s feet, honestly, I was thinking about that pony! That was THE nicest pony I ever had a chance to ride. I got the ride on her(?) once for a show at Lake Erie College in the early 70’s and had a blast!! Won everything and had a blast. At that time she was at (or, at least I was at) the Chagrin Valley Hunt Club in Gates Mills, Ohio. Jane Leasure, I believe, still owned her.


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>ccoronios, there are two different McKinney families–one from Connecticut (Lucie, Jeannie, and Libby were the three sisters) that MHM already answered about; <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Aaaah… I wondered, because I wasn’t aware that the KY McKinneys traveled this far east to show (except to the Garden).

I saw Patty Heuckeroth at the KY Fall Classic this year–she was in for the Futurity— and I looked and said “Patty, that horse looks like Aldie Belle.” IT WAS her granddaughter!!!

And other good old horses: Rome Dome (Kip Rosenthal) and her other WONDERFUL gray horse


General C (ridden By VHV)

Pikes Peak

Old Dominion

Cap and Gown

( Spindletop Showdown became just “Showdown” when he was bought byt he davies and moved to California and ridden by Linda Hough)

Which brings me to : Sutton Place

and Royal Blue (ridden by Bernie Traurig)

Anyone remeber Lisa Joy Rosen with her two matching horses (full brothers): except one was 14.2 and the other was 14.2 1/2. So she showed one in ponies and the other in junior.


Funny story about flap front breeches: I stopped riding when I went to College and started again 10 years later. I went to Flintridge to try horses, and the ONLY breeches I had were Melton wool, flap fronts. I was SO embarrassed when I saw what every one else was wearing! I went straight to the Paddock tack shop and bought new breeches—but Anne Kursinski had seen me in those breeches. (She was a Junior) and lusted after them–she thought they were so cool! So I sold them to her. LOL – little did she know that I would never have been caught dead in them again!

Attached is a photo if me at the Monmouth County fair HS is 1954 or 1955 (I was 5).

Family lore has it that the judge was overheard saying “I would have liked to have given that little BOY on the spotted pony a ribbon, but he was not using both reins.” (Apache had run away with me in the prior class, and mother was not going to let me show anymore that day. I had a major hissy-fit and got my way, but only because mother knotted the snaffle rein and I rode straight off the pelham.)

I also recall that, due to that comment, I no longer let my mother cut my hair with a bowl on my head. LOL

—I wonder how long the lady in the picture has been dead…

More memories:

Mrs. Waller lived on Guard Hill Road (which dead ended into McLain St. right at our house). “Old Mrs. Tucker” was our neighbor on McLain Street. and Gay was in my class at Bedford Rippowam. I biked over to the Tucker Stables to ride with Gay…

The Fairfield Hunt Club Show was my absolute FAVORITE and I just loved cruising around that outside course. When I went back as an Ammy and they had divided the outside course into 2 areas (ponies and horses) it just was not the same.

And my mother used to make stall signs and madras chokers to earn “show money” for me to show… I had a pile of madras chokers.

I’ve got it ladies: for all not already in one of those cliques, we can form the “Madras Choker Clique”. You don’t have to be old. You just have to have a long memory :D:D

I’ll bet that woman is still alive - or, perhaps until recently. Given how small a world it was back, it probably wouldn’t take much to figure out who it was - unfortunately, I do not have the software to enhance and figure it out. Some guesses would be Mrs. Slater or Mrs. Valentine, or even perhaps, Mrs. Hofmann.

I will work on it! Seriously - I am curious, too.

… does this all bring back memories!
I remember lots of the ponies being mentioned - gee, Cindy Weiner and Syndy Paul were from near my home …
How come no one has mentioned any of the Farnley ponies Marianne Steiert used to ride for Mrs. DuPont??? There were a string of them! (and their names all escape me right now!)
I was lucky enough to have gotten to ride Abundance a couple times Wow was he fun! I remember watching Al sit on him facing backwards, and sending him over fences … wonderful horse. Al’s son Tony is still standing a son of Abundance.

OK, while we’re trying to find out what people and horses were and are… Anyone out there that went to Shenandoah Farms in Staunton, Va for riding camp back in the early 70’s? Patty and Cindy Brown were sisters who were there. Missy Clarkson (wonderful!)owned/ran it and we had instructors from Morvan Park.

rolled tack, Pariani saddles, rust breeches, brown Dehner field boots, helmets without harnesses, and nontraditional colored coats (a pale mint green) – no madras choker though – here they all are in action in 1972…

Market Rise and Debbie Willson, to whoever asked above. Emmett, where is she now, do you know? The best fun was to watch those working horses when they were allowed to school over that drop jump before the Classic. Why on earth did they ever stop that class? It was a huge crowd pleaser.
A little later, but no one’s mentioned one of my favorites, Super Flash.

From this fossil, Stubben Siegfried or Stubben Lohngren saddles. Flat 1" leather bridles. Rust and brown were acceptable. Madras plaid was here or there.

Divisions were 2’6" Warm up Hunter, 3’ Novice Hunter (not rated of course), 3’3" A/A’s, 3’6’ A/O’s, 3’6 1st Yr Gr , 3’9" 2nd Yr Gr, 4" Regular Working.

No wussy Short/Long Stirrup, Baby Green, Hopeful anythings. You stayed home until you were ready to show at the given heights.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Boy do I miss those outside courses!! Charlotte, Tryon, Deep Run,Camden(on the polo field). I remember going to the Charlotte GP, too!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

When did you show in Camden? I used to run Wildewood in Columbia and started the Pine Tree Pony Club - showed in Camden a lot!

Whatever happened to Lakeside, the stable in California that owned him?
Linda Hough was their trainer, was it the Davies?
Pam M you said you use to ride there, didn’t you?

What a hoot, this brings back “good old times”! Isn’t it interesting how much fashion does change in a sport that is based on “tradition”.

Oh, Sea Urchin. Do you know Zoellen? I remember seeing a tape of her wedding (from about 1980) – she married a guy who drove race cars. After the ceremony, she got on The Woodman (in full wedding dress and veil and everything) and cantered a big circle and jumped him over the race car belonging to her new husband!!! It was a stitch! I was laughing so hard I started crying

[This message was edited by PamM on Dec. 21, 2000 at 12:02 PM.]

Beezer, You just described what Iwas wearing in the earlie 70"s except my boots were black. Mom wouldn’t let me get the brown ones.That was the 11and under division, we didn,t have the pony divisions out here then. Some one can correst me if I am wriong about the pony thing, might be having a senior moment.
Those horses you mentioned were great.

All of these - great reading!!!

Canary Yellow or Rust breeches or even JODHPURS! - Harry Hall Remember the heel elastic to keep em down in your boot?
I remember Pytchley jackets with velvet collars
Brown field boots that matched your brown helmet
No A/A or A/O
Working Hunters
Pleasure Hunters
Conformation Hunters
Ladies Classic on the flat - sidesaddle class!
Stubben Seigfried saddles
Polo wraps? What polo wraps?
Flat tack
No $5.00 ring
Prize Money A show: $25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Ribbons to fifth
Goldy-brown bell boots only
Double Bridles in all hunters
No chaps
Elastic chin straps - no harness in the show ring

Boy those where the days.

Wow! Where to begin!!! I remember (as a kid in the Midwest) elegant horse shws with tailgate parties; outside courses; and no whining! At my first show “away from home”, I showed my 4 year old.
…who was also at his first show away from home…in Jr. Hunters at 3’6" and in Green Hunters at 3’6", and since he got prizes in both classes, we post entered in Working Hunters at 4’ over the outside course…where we got 3rd. No Problem!!! And in the early fall, we foxhunted during the week, and showed on the weekends.Horses did it all in those days…and it was fun. of course, we only showed about 6 shows a year back then.

And then, after coming out to California…The GREAT summer circuit of fairs…Santa Barbara and Santa Maria (where everyone played outragous pranks on each other…and partied till dawn at the Santa Maria Inn)…The shows then were for all the breeds and disciplines, so we cheered for the Saddlehorses and whooped when the Reined Stock Horses slid the length of the arena on their butts.

And then there was PHC…even now when I show there (it is called Brookside Equestrian Center in this incarnation), I wonder what those walls would say if they could talk!

Oh…and those early Grand Prix at Rancho Bernardo and Ramona…where Rodney cameout and gave us all a riding lesson!

And we all rode TBs…which we used to buy off the track for $800 and then train them, show them and sell them for $7500 and think we were really cool!

I could go on…but I have stuff to do, so I will stop here. This is a great thread…and fun to read…it’s nice to know that I’m not the only old fart out there…

Ditto to farmgate, LaurieB and others…memories and pictures are priceless - please keep posting them. “Remember” Wee Ken? Who could forget that cute horse?