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For fun...leading/ponying multiple horses

It is easier when they at least walk around the same. You might get away with holding the 2 faster ones and let the lone one follow ( if he will). Or get an extra long lead rope for the sloth who trails behind.

I learned how to pony horses from a polo person. She always had us ride the one most likely to be naughty. She claimed it was safer as you had more control from the saddle. Fortunately all were well behaved and I survived.

When I was young, invincible, and bounced better, I would ride my big mare bareback and pony the other 3 out to graze in the back pasture in the summer…now that I am older and brittle? That’s a negative, Ghost Rider.

My big mare, who was the cattiest, most athletic horse I’ll ever see, used to hop back out (there was a jump built into the fence line) to nap in the hay field. This never occurred to any of the other horses…