My horse has just tested positive for chronic Lyme with a titer number of 1968. Given the fact that he came from a location with high incidence of Lyme, and that he has had occasional trouble with stiffness since I purchased him, it is possible that he has had it for a long time-4 years or more.
I’m interested in hearing from anyone who has treated a horse that you know had Lyme for a long period of time. What were the results of your treatment? Were there residual effects from the long-term Lyme that never went away?
My vets are telling me that it is senseless to investigate other issues until I treat the Lyme, and I did emphasize with them that I wanted to investigate his stiffness/off-ness in the most cost effective way possible as my horse budget is very tight. However, I’m terrified that I will spend $1200+ on treating the Lyme, only to find that there is more that needs to be done, or that I’ll find our whatever is causing his troubles is beyond what I can address.
Thanks in advance for any input and insight.