Forget the horse...I broke MY navicular bone!

Kind of ironic :lol:. I got stomped on HARD on Sunday and fractured the bone on the top of my foot, which is called the navicular. I laughed a little when we were going over the x-rays with the doctor… he didn’t think it was funny lol.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with the swelling? I have quite a bit of damage to my foot and it’s all kinds of colours. Been icing it and taking some pain meds, and maybe I’m being impatient but it doesn’t seem to be helping. At all.

Well, they denerve horses, don’t they. :):D:lol::winkgrin::wink:

Sorry you’re in so much pain. Just apply tincture of time and lots of ice and elevation.

Sorry to hear about your injury, give yourself a little time. Jingles for a quick recovery.:slight_smile:

Stall Rest? Bar Shoes? teehee

Sorry couldn’t help it. I know the pain. My draft X has never really stepped on me but, ponies…boy do they know how to step and twist your foot into the ground (that’s happed to me a bunch). All my toes bend in different directions!

Jingles for a fast recovery!

Sending a St. Bernard with a Keg of Brandy

We have a navicular bone??? Oh, How I feel for you!

I have had broken bones in my feet from being stepped on. Just gangs of fun, isn’t it?

Do you know if the break is complete or are all the pieces still attatched? If there has been displacement, you might have a nerve that is squished. Sometimes, just the swelling can put too much pressure on the nerves. Are you keeping it elevated above your heart? Does that with ice help?

I humbly suggest calling your dr and telling them about the pain. Things may have shifted inside your foot, for example. At the very least they need to think about changing your pain meds to something that works better.

You do need to treat yourself as well as your horse. You have to keep it elevated, not keep going with the barn chores and life.

When you are at the point of getting a shower, be sure to get a seat that won’t collapse when the warm water heats the plastic. Ask me how I know.:eek: