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Forum not working correctly - anyone else having this problem?

Like the thread from Nov’23, I’m having issues with refresh. I am getting the same problem on my desktop (Windows) and my phone (Android Pixel). Forum threads are not refreshing, and then just get that spinning when I try to access or reload the page. If I reboot, the issue goes away on both. Am I the only one?

Been working fine for me all day (on & off, not up constantly) & now.
Android Moto phone.

Almost every evening I have a similar problem. The forum spins and does not work as efficiently as it does most of the time.

I am on my phone also and get strange real old threads, like 2013 some times when I click on one that seems recent.
Then scroll to the end to read the latest post, thinking is a revived one and nope, was an old long silent one?

Started happening a fee times a day last few days.

That could be when someone adds a spam post, and the mods get to it and delete it before you get to the thread.


Aha, you are right, thanks.:sunglasses:

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