I like the idea of a “like” button, maybe some people will get too into “getting likes” but IMO it is a good way to see if people are agreeing with you. I post and then sometimes have NO idea if my info was valuable or not because no one comments on it.
Like the idea of the western forum but I probably wouldn’t use it. It definitely wouldn’t bother me to HAVE it though and I don’t see why anyone else would really care. For instance I rarely venture into the Racing or Hunting forums but they don’t bother me at all.
New smileys are a MUST!
Also would love in line pictures but maybe have a size limit? That way pictures don’t get too overwhelming.
No comment on mobile forum, I do fine on the regular one with my iPhone.
Spell check-eh, my Mac does that for me and I’m pretty sure you can download programs that will check.
Premium Features-no comment on these really because I’m not planning on ever becoming a premium member.
I personally would like to have avatars but can see how they might get annoying and distracting.
Also would love an improved search function!
Finally I think a “report as spam” button with a function that if the button gets clicked however many times, say 30, then it is removed and goes to the Mods for review…or just gets deleted, like Craigslist report system.
Also I just wanted to say that I LOVE this forum and learn so much on it!