I thought this was an interesting article (and video) about the Coolmore foster mares.
It also includes updates on many of their foals.
I thought this was an interesting article (and video) about the Coolmore foster mares.
It also includes updates on many of their foals.
What is LCC going to do with factual information floating around out there? :lol:
Great article, though. Thanks for sharing! And good move on their part to be more proactive with their PR. I commend Coolmore for reaching out to the public with education. :yes:
You’re welcome, Texarkana. It would be nice if facts could overcome internet gullibility on this subject, but that may be a vain hope. Good job here by Coolmore though.
Very nice article. Often referred to as the dark side of the breeding industry, it is nice to see a positive report on what Coolmore is doing. I recall a disparaging article many many years ago on this subject titled the “Milk of Death.” A title like this is enough to negatively sway thinking. Hopefully, â quality program like Coolmore’s will have legs throughout the industry.
Rescues who base their fundraising on disinformation and reviling racing will ignore facts. -Nothing new there.
You know “Nursemares are needed so TB (or STDB) mares can be bred back after having a foal.” and " So the mares can return to racing after foaling." And, and…
The vicious fantasies just never end!
I recommend everyone share the post about the Coolmore foster mares and foals.
After all, Coolmore is the largest TB corporation in the world with US and Australian farms…
It still is kind of sad that one foal has to “suffer” so that another foal can get the benefits of having a mother.
(This coming from hands on experience with three orphaned foals that were hand raised and that grew up to be very quirky adults).
I’ve always wondered, can they remove the foal for a few days, introduce the new foal and then return the original foal so that the mare is raising twins? Then both foals would have a mother.