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Fostering kittens - You can do it

Little guy is doing well other than still having a dodgy tummy. His eyes opened yesterday, and he’s been doing push ups in his crate the last few days in prep for walking. He’s been staggering around on shaky legs a few times now and is getting the hang of it.

He snaps awake instantly now for night time feedings and of course does not want to go straight back to bed. He wants to get a workout in first every time. :muscle:t2: Luckily just trying to walk 10 steps exhausts him immediately and he passes out cold right afterwards.

He loves to lie on his back and kick his feet around, along with grabbing your hand to nosh on your fingers while getting a belly rub.

He finished the two dewormers, and had a lot of worms come out. He’s got another 4-5 days of metro left. He still has yet to have a solid bowel movement- he doesn’t have diarrhea but his poop is liquid every time. He’s eating well, very active, not dehydrated, gaining weight (but maybe not quite as much as he should be?). I have a call in to the vet, but if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. He was 6 ounces last Thursday at roughly 6 days of age, he’s 7.65 ounces today. Eating KMR formula, I’ve just started adding a little bit of Nutri-vet formula with gut support as well but no difference so far on his tummy.


Many years ago I bottle raised one from a day old. My vet told me that as long as she was gaining weight, or even staying the same, not to worry. She said that I should only worry if she LOST weight.


Being so tiny and having worms may have left some damage in his little gut. Also he may still have some worms. Poor little guy - I am glad you have him and he is gaining some much needed weight.

I love his little white toes. he looks like a fuzzy sock ball right now.

We’ll keep jingling for him.


Little guy says HI!

Still battling the liquid poo, but I started adding fortiflora to his formula yesterday and he got a dose of probiotic gel today. Switched him fully to the powdered formula as well in case the KMR was the cause for his unhappy tummy. Fingers crossed something will work! We’re both getting tired of dealing with poop. :dizzy_face:


He is ADORABLE! Jingling that he feels better soon.

Jingles! Diarrhea is the pits. I hope it’s gone soon.

I get pictures mostly like this…

But once in a while I get a decent one.

I don’t think I’ve had a single kitten this long, most of my previous bunches were litters. She thinks I’m her playmate even though I’ve never played with her with anything but toys.

My legs look like I’ve been fighting my way out of a briar patch but I will miss Ms Scissor Paws when she goes back to the shelter. :slight_smile:


Has he been fecal checked? Giardia comes to mind.


Not officially tested but he obviously had tapeworms and vet gave meds for coccidia as well. He’s finished both dewormers. If his gut doesn’t settle in the next couple of days I’ll take him back in for a fecal test. He’ll be needing another round of deworming in any case.

While his poo is liquid, it’s not diarrhea in the bad sense. He doesn’t have to go every time and holds it just fine until time to go. It’s just not solid.


The KMR may not be agreeing with him. Are you using the canned or the powder? I had (long long ago) two little kittens that had to be bottle fed and the KMR did not agree with one so switched him to - I think it was Purina - and that bound him up. Also maybe try some apple pectin - a small portion of a tablet in his milk might help. He is awful cute! He seems pretty bright and alert in the pics. Jingling for no more diarrhea!

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This is not a popular opinion with vets or the shelters I’ve fostered for. But…

Goats milk. Preferably fresh, or frozen at a high end pet store. He’s younger than any I’ve used it on. But it has cleared up some nasty, persistent diarrhea in literally hours. Regular grocery stores may have it, but it’s pasteurized so not as beneficial.

My standard poodle bloated 2 years ago, survived surgery, then came down with pancreatitis. Only 3-4 anti nausea meds. Wouldn’t eat, if she tried, barfed almost immediately. This went on for several days. A breeder reminded me of goats milk. All I could find was store bought. Gave her a tablespoon an hour all day. By the next morning, she ate and kept it down. Recovered in leaps and bounds.

I swear it’s magic. But no “Professional” is going to agree.


What a cutie! I love torties. I know what you mean about your legs. Mine were so hacked up when I was fostering! Kittens think you’re a tree trunk!

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We adopted a very young kitten last year
, he was having trouble pooping. Someone suggested goat’s milk, and it worked wonders!


He was on KMR canned from the start because that was all that could be found locally. I’ve switched him fully to Nutrition-Vet powdered formula in the hopes that it was the KMR causing the issue. No real improvement yet. Hoping the probiotic gel and the fortiflora will kick in over next day or two. Will look into the pectin next.



:heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

He is so bitsy! And he has a heart on his chest.
Still jingling for Little Baby.


Those tiny little toe beans! He is beyond cute!


Jingling for Little Bitsy! He’s so cute! :heart_eyes_cat:

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After all the posts and threads about fostering kittens, I have answered a desperate call from the local pound on fB. They called this morning, and still have red tape to go through, but it looks like I will be joining a kitten brigade soon!


Yay! Thank you. Foster homes are so desperately needed everywhere.

Can’t wait to see what you get. Do you get to “shop”? Or just take what they assign? I LOVE kitten shopping. I usually took the biggest batch, with or without mama. I had room.