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Fostering kittens - You can do it

omg that BEETLE. Those EYES!! :heart_eyes:

I did not succeed in fostering when I trapped a pregnant momma and she gave birth to 4… But hey, I gave two kittens away. That counts, right? I remember CindyB59 coming into my thread and saying “Goodbye is the goal” – so it hurt a little less to see those 2 go but god it’s so hard to get attached. Especially to kittens!

@moonlitoaksranch Does that mean you’re keeping Miggy…? I love the name and his cheeks and ears!!


He is TINY. When they called me and said his eyes were still closed I was hoping for around 3 weeks. Only to see that his ears are still folded and he is an itty-bitty baby.

Was lucky to find a grocery store that had formula at 10pm last night, but had to use an eye dropper to feed him. As soon as the pet stores open I’ll call around to see if I can find a bottle. He’s peed quite a bit now he’s gotten rehydrated but no poop yet.

My former foster failure who turns 9 next week is clearly having flashbacks to being a bottle baby- he wants in on that formula!! :joy:


No, we’re trying to find him a home. My mom might take him.


Aww!! What a cutie!!!

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Oh that is one lucky kitten! So glad they knew you and you know how to bottle feed kittens! Keep us updated on your progress.


Fingers crossed!! As you know, the inn is at max capacity here but I’d take Miggy in a heartbeat because of the name and his adorable tabby self. Maybe pay your mom a visit with some wine and a cat – who can say no to a date night like that??


Little sweetie almost looks like a tortie. Are you sure of the sex?


Unless she stays longer than I think, no. Snickers and Sammy are old and less than amused with cats they don’t know.

They might be perfectly fine but I’d rather not rock the boat. Sammy has gained a little weight and they’re both doing good.


Had to go to vet today, he started having diarrhea yesterday and was getting dehydrated and going off his bottle this morning. $220 later (ugh!) and he’s hopefully going to feel better quickly. Vet felt fairly confident he’ll bounce back and thrive. Fingers crossed!

He said he’s had a very stressful day-


Poor baby. I hope he’s better soon!!


Jingles for that sweet little boy!


Fingers crossed that he’s better tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:

One of my cats was a foundling when she was about 4 weeks old. After a few days, she started having diarrhea and throwing up. She went to the vet and stayed overnight and then she was OK.

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I hate being “that” person, but I have to ask….Are you getting the mother spayed (please)?


My friends that work at a shelter have always said that plain black cats are the hardest to place. They have never mention grey striped kitties being hard to place.


Little guy is much improved. He’s eating well again and has discovered the entertainment of lying on his back and waving his paws in the air. He is pretty bitter about the Metronidazole, he says that’s a dirty rotten thing to do to a baby. Had his first dose of the two dewormers last night and had a bunch of worms come out this morning. :dizzy_face:

Here he is with one of my 8 yr old kitten assistants. They’ve named him Ghost. I can’t decide between his fuzzy hairdo and the shape of his noggin whether he looks more like a bat or a baby chimp. Lol.


Hopefully the “bunch of worms” coming out will help him feel better. What a tiny little guy he is! I love those little white toes of his!

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Bless his heart, metronidazole is horrible!! It is a terrible thing for a baby.

I’m glad he’s feeling better and hopefully worm free now.

I vote for the baby chimp for now. :joy:

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I am that person!

Yes, she is going on Tuesday the 16th!!

The 2 kittens I am planning on keeping will be done as soon as they are big enough.


It isn’t a fail. The whole goal is finding the perfect home. That may be you!

OH My @Cammie! How often do you have to feed that wee baby? I was surprised to see my Wal-Mart had not only all milk replacer for kittens , but bottles as well.

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Every two hours around the clock for now. Feed, burp, bathroom, snuggle for a bit then back to bed for him until the next alarm clock.

Gotta say, burping a 6 ounce kitten is a little challenging when he’s purring up a storm and trying to wiggle behind your neck. :heart_eyes_cat: