Found skinny Paso stallion/very neglected

A few days ago I woke up to find a new horse in my pasture. At first I figured that one of my neighbor’s horses got loose and managed to get into my field. But then at closer look this boy is very, very, very thin.

His feet probably haven’t seen a farrier in years.

Although he is a stallion (yes a stallion in with my mares) he was much more interested in grazing then in breeding. He was that hungry.

I have been caring for him for about 3 days now. I asked about and no one is missing a horse here. Plus my neighbors are all great horse owners and none would have a starving horse.

I posted some ads about having found a horse, but no one has claimed him. He had been very, very, very neglected.

He is very grateful to be fed and cared for. He is a sweet boy.

My farrier is coming out today, so he will get his poor feet trimmed. They are really, really bad-- broken off past the white line.

He is a rack of bones.

Right now I am just taking it day by day. I can afford to feed him, and keep him. But I just am not sure of what to do.

I feel so bad for him. I am feeling that he was dumped here, but maybe he has a loving owner who has been missing him for quite some time.

Any advice? I have been in touch with animal control and they have given me permission to keep him. He is a 1 on the weight scale and that is even pushing it. He is very, very starved. His feet hadn’t seen a farrier in years. I had them trimmed and I am sure he feels much better.

He is very, very thin and weak and just in deplorable condition.

He is on 4 small servings of senior feed and timothy/alfalfa hay. He is so grateful to be fed.

He was also very scared when he first showed up. He was shy and trembling. He now feels safe and trusts us. He has been here for a week now.


Here is a photo of him.