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Fox Village Show Management software frustration - online entry issues SOLVED

I am fortunate to be down in Florida for the season and the dressage show series that I am entering is using Fox Village online entry (no longer using equestrian entries). I am experiencing all sorts of issues, such as not being able to upload more than one document of the many needed, - they upload, but never appear in the system to use. I am also experiencing difficulty entering a horse I ride that is owned by a non-profit business - multiple attempts met with "error in processing… Last show I had to email the organizer all the documents because they did not come through in the online entry. The frustration is that there is no way I can contact anyone for assistance. Apparently, only the show management is able to get assistance? Am I really supposed to contact the show manager about my problems with using the online entry? Anyone else have experience with this entry system?

I am having the same issue regarding document loading for an upcoming Region 5 show. I repeated the same process for each document but only one of my four has loaded into the system.

So I am glad to hear it isn’t just me. But, also frustrated.

I have not yet completed/paid my entry and one of my barnmates suggested that I email the docs directly to the show secretary. He said that’s how he handles them for all shows but it had not occurred to me to do that till he said it.

Greetings! I am/we are so sorry to be finding this post here, but also thrilled that we can help. I’m Evin, one of the co-owners of Fox Village. We’ve been working incredibly hard over the last year developing a new online entry platform that is designed to make the horse show entry process less cumbersome and maybe even a little more enjoyable to use (hello mobile-friendly site!). As with any new service, there are bound to be some growing pains and a few bugs. It looks like you’ve indeed stumbled on a couple of them here. Sorry about that! We despise these bugs as much as you do.

Good news: we run shows ourselves, and we run them on the same platform as our users, so we’re hyper-aware of these issues. And the extra good news of the day: we’ve squashed the ones that you’re describing here in the thread.

We know it’s less than ideal to be running into problems when you’re trying to enter an event, and we certainly don’t expect or want you to be hunting down contact info for an organizer when the problem is clearly with the site (not the show). You’ll notice we’ve added a support email address to the bottom of every page on the Fox Village Online Entry platform. If you bump into another issue and need some help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: support@foxvillage.com.

We hate that your experience with us was anything less than thrilling. @GrayCatFarm and @Silverbridge : Please DM me here or email me at evin@foxvillage.com so we can provide a service recovery credit to you both.


Fantastic customer service! Not only did Evin fix the issue, but every document that I had attempted to upload was in the system and accessible this morning. I can see multiple horses and everyone’s documents. New uploads worked seamlessly. Easy peasy. Thank you!