fractured sacum anyone?

About a month ago, I tried to walk from my bed to my wheelchair; stupid idea, I know ; since I am in a wheelchair 24/7’ as miht be expected, I did not make it:no:and had a crahing fall; as hard as any I ever had of a horse; I did not think I was badly hurt , though I was worried about a possible head injury, having hit my head on a very solid piece of furniture; but, the scue squad thought I should go to bed and, if needed, go to the Er later in the morning; it was 5: 15 am; I actually did sleep for a few hours es, guarded by my cat:); when morning came and I tried to move my legs; I felt radiating pains down my legs so, called the rescue squad again; they took me to the ER, ran all the tests imaging; after which they put meoin a medical hall, in a bed with an air mattress , heavenly!:yes: I was told I had fractured my sacrum; so, more weeks in a nursing "center/ rehab; I am now home. thinking about trying therapeutic riding during the summer/ fall; I’d done some in the past but, with this new injury, just sitting in thewheelchair causes me pain; anyone had any experience riding after a fractured sacrum? All the vertebrae in my tailbone tailbone were already broken:(.were already broken; I can see my para Olympic hopes diminishing rapidly:cry::(.

So sorry, Carol.
I don’t have any info to add though, but please don’t give up!

5 years ago had a bad fall off my mare. Broke sacrum…extremely painful, but once healed I have been fine riding! Don’t give up! I think it’s some of the worst pain I have ever experienced while healing, but once healed it’s ok. I do keep up with myofasical body work to help keep me supple, since healing.

If you don’t already have one, get a rubber/vinyl blow up tube for sitting.
Will really help. Also I use Back On Track pad for sitting on and sleeping on.
My pain is almost gone after 15-20 min w/ the BOT pad.

You have my sympathy as I know these are very painful injuries. Baby yourself til you heal.

Oh Dear!

Hope it heals quickly.

thanks for the tips!

[QUOTE=Marla 100;8064296]
If you don’t already have one, get a rubber/vinyl blow up tube for sitting.
Will really help. Also I use Back On Track pad for sitting on and sleeping on.
My pain is almost gone after 15-20 min w/ the BOT pad.

You have my sympathy as I know these are very painful injuries. Baby yourself til you heal.[/QUOTE]
thank you al for the tips:) BOT has so many products, I don’t know where to start:winkgrin:

Which one?:confused:

So sorry! Not exactly a sacrum patient here but a lumbar back sufferer. I cannot do without this (one for the car - that sometimes follows me into appointments where I have to sit for a bit or restaurants, one for the house). I prefer the compact size as if I have to bring it somewhere with me, it is a bit more discrete due to being a bit less large (or so i tell myself). Feel better.

The BOT pad I have is 20"X26", I also have the tush-cush and it’s great also.
When I need additional help I “borrow” some of my horse’s Lubrisyn (HA) and within 20-30 min. I feel much better and it lasts for the rest of the day.

Will likely hurt for about 3 months then ease off. But…once healed; no problemo! Broke mine in 2 places and was foxhunting back in a coupla mos. I second the Cashel cushion Tush-Cush for your saddle when you get to that point. And you can buy a butt cushion at any medical supply store locally inexpensively. Good luck!! and don’t forget to take your Calcium/D !! :wink:

So sorry for your misfortune. I fractured my pelvis in 3 places in August (sacrum, pubic synthesis and right iliac) and was back on my horse in 3 months with surgery and some PT. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way!

I broke mine when I was a kid, it was excruciatingly painful. My left SI joint has tended to lock up ever since – and having my hunt horse step on it after a bad fall has only made it worse. Spent $$$ at the chiropractor, then discovered that the yoga move “triangle” worked better, and was free. I have to do it all the time to stay pain-free. After reading your post, I will never bitch about it again. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

Hi I recently fell off my horse on September 7th. I rode the next day in a hunter pace and could not stand up afterwards but I just blew it off. I rode that Tuesday afterwards and again blew it off but went to the Urgent Care. Got an x-ray they said nothing then went to my own medical doctor after resting and riding on September 21st and having terrible pain began could not stand up or walk it was awful. By Monday the pain went away when I saw my internist, she told me I could only walk on my horse and did nothing else and I did not have a sports hernia. Then I followed up with a sports Doctor Who gave me an MRI and found that I had a left sacrum fracture I’m kind of flipping out and hope that it heals okay. I am not in pain anymore and trying to rest is hard it’s been 4 weeks since the accident thank you for letting me vent just wondering about others people’s experience with this


So sorry about your fall. A fractured sacrum hurts like heck! I sustained a closed vertical fracture in my sacrum and multiple closed rani in my left pelvis due to hitting the saddle really hard 3 times during my gelding’s bucking episode in 2018. I know you should do an emergency dismount after the first buck but I needed a few seconds to make sure I landed on my left side as my right hip joint is titanium…did not want to land on that. :slight_smile: I was back riding in about 10 weeks and did not have any pain in the sacrum. My hip flexors, however, were mega-tight but gradually relaxed. My sacrum only bothers me when I am sitting in a flat seat, such as a car seat. My orthopedic surgeon recommended a particular shape/style and I purchased the Everlasting Comfort Memory Foam Seat Cushion Designed for Hip and Tailbone Pain - Office Chair & Car Seat Cushion - from Amazon. It really helps… Should work in a wheelchair seat also. Hope you feel better soon!

Guys this thread is 4 years old.