Fractured tibial sesamoid from either riding/jumping or weights - riding prognosis??

I just left the foot doctor. After a jumping lesson 2 wks ago I had swelling below my big toe, pain in that area and heel. The swelling went down and for the last 2 wks I have been running, wearing heels, but having pain especially when walking without shoes. It got worse and I went to the foot doc, got Xrays and was shocked to find out I have a fractured tibial sesamoid! He said the impact from jumping my horse could have caused it, or it could have been caused by calf exercises I do where I walk with heavy weights in my hands on my toes. :frowning:

Has anyone had this injury?? I hope I can still jump in the future. The doc put me in a boot which already feels a world better now that my foot is stable and supported. I have crutches for backup if the boot alone doesn’t cause significant improvement. Surgery may be an option but he felt it could heal well on its own. Any similar injuries out there??

Bad timing as we are about to put our house on the market next week and I have SO much to do not to mention cleaning daily!!

I went to the podiatrist last year because something in my foot felt broken. He said I had a fractured sesamoid, but it was not a concern. It did heal on its own. I don’t jump except for over ground poles for fun, and don’t do anything like the exercise you describe. I think I fractured it dismounting. I just try to have softer landings now.

In a bizarre coincidence, my horse also has an old sesamoid fracture. It wasn’t a big deal for him either. I think you’ll be just fine. :slight_smile:

I had a prior fractured sesmoid - about 6 years ago. It never bothered me while jumping - but dismounting is still a big problem. I have to be careful to land on my other foot, on a soft surface, or dismount using a mounting block.

Slightly different injury here - my sesamoid is crushed and flat as a pancake. I have not had xrays in the past 2 years but I don’t suspect that anything has changed for me since the last round. I have no idea how the original injury occured…probably dismounting.

Surgery to remove the sesamoid is always and option for me, but I manage by icing whenever the pain starts. If I can get inflammation down and keep it down I am pain free. My dr gave me a metal insert for my shoes that keeps my big toe from flexing too much and aggravation the soft tissue in that area. I jump, dressage, dismount, etc with no problems but I am still very careful. The only sandals I wear are some with a rigid bottom (Cobians), and I live in Dansko clogs. Heels and cheap flip flops are a no no for me.

Good luck!

I fractured my fibular sesamoid a year ago. It has not healed and is extremely painful. It makes it quite difficult to walk, I can’t where any shoes except running shoes and flip flops–definitely can’t walk in riding boots.

I’m going to have to have surgery, just waiting on my doctor to find a surgeon. He wants to find someone to graft or pin it instead of the old standard removal. I’m really ready to not hurt. :frowning: