Fragile, elderly eyes

Anyone else having this problem? It’s making huge changes in my active life. Every time I exercise, I have “symptoms” in my right eye, which has had laser surgery for a torn retina this summer, internal bleeding, and my floaters are propagating like rats in an attic. Some of the floaters are solid black and definitely affect my vision.

My opthalmologist says that if we can avoid surgery inside the eye we should at all costs. So, with the new symptoms of retinal problems, he’s recommended reducing physical activity. That is neither feasible nor good for the rest of my body. Riding is jarring; and barn work and weight bearing are taxing.

My glasses are already Transitions.

Anyone have thoughts and or suggestions for keeping active and still protecting the eye from internal surgery?

as a high myope who conveniently ‘forgets’ to tell her optho whenever she falls off a horse (and particularly when she hits her helmet), i can sympathize a little. :slight_smile: (he’d frankly prefer i didn’t ride.)

for exercise, how about no-impact aerobics like using an exercycle or elliptical?

as for anything you do at the barn–wear your helmet. you may feel goofy but if a horse tries to evade your bridling him and bonks you in the head with his jaw, better to be in the helmet. i’ve gone into tack rooms and had stuff fall on me (including -ahem- pulling a saddle off a high rack onto myself :winkgrin: ) and better to protect your head from any impact as much as possible.

as for riding, well, walking would be OK i guess, but everything else would have to be in 2-point to avoid being bounced?

good luck!

Is your ophthalmologist a retina specialist or a general oph? Have you had any FA photos taken lately to see if you have any new bleeds in your retina?

I am a certified ophthalmologist assistant working for a retinal specialist for the last 5 yrs. Limiting physical activity lessens the amount of floater activity as the vitreous fluid in your posterior eye chamber is less stirred up. Have your floaters gotten worse gradually over time or have they suddenly become more numerous and larger? Your floaters “may” be propagating because you have a small bleeder in there again. I’m not suggesting you switch doctors, but if you aren’t seeing a retinal specialist, you really should.

I have pretty fragile eyes, but not elderly. I’m 34, and have had about 5 or so surgeries to straighten my eyes. I detached - it was shredded - my right retina back in 95, and had scleral buckle placed in, and tore my left retina - twice - back in '99. My right eye I can only see colors, and my left eye - my good eye - my glasses prescription is a -11.

So, all of that said, yes, my eye Dr - I see a retinal specialist as well as my reg. eye Dr twice a year - I am sure would rather me not ride, but it’s just not happening. I DO wear a Gas Perm. contact in my left eye - rt eye is too bad for a contact to help - and I careful to clean it really well when I take it out at night. I used to gallop racehorses for a living, but after tearing my retina twice. and getting some pretty wicked concussions, I quit - not riding, just going 35 mph around a track every day. I still break babies, and ride training horses, because like you said, you do have to live. I just try and stay safe.

As the above poster said though, you really should have a retinal specialist.